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Finn took elijah to a bonfire party. The whole party went silent as they arrived. The songs, music, talks, laughter vanished as elijah reached there.
He startled by the voice came just behind him. He thought, if his heart would still beat, it definitely skip some beats. He spun to see the speaker.
-" Hayley.."
He felt his eyes burning, and lumps in throat. He tried to look away, but the eyes betrayed.
He collapsed on his knees, almost trembling.
-" Forgive me. I know I'm not worth a forgiveness, but please. I beg you.." he almost cried.
-" i forgave you the very moment elijah."
Elijah get up slowly, then turned back he headed towards the dark forest again. Finn tried to stop him, but failed.

Hayley sank into the bench at the side of the fire. The music started again, slowly, gradually. Jackson was there. Watching all the things silently. He stood up and came to Hayley.
-" you should find him. Or he'll be lost."
-" isn't he already? "
-" no he isn't. There's still time. He needs you. More than me."
Hayley looked at the black eyes of Jackson. He spoke,
"Yes, i loved you, but he loved you more than me. And once I'd snatch you from him, not again. This time he deserves you. Go to him."
-" i can't. Jackson. I don't know what to say to him."
-" you need not to say anything. Sometimes let the eyes speak there own language. It's more appropriate than the verbal ones."

She left Jackson in search of Elijah. She found him, at the darkest corner of the forest.
-" You always chose the darkness for yourself. Why?"
Elijah knew she was there, but he didn't face her. He took some moment before answering.
" cause everytime i headed for a light, i ended up with blown it out. "
Finished his answer, he again tried to escape from her.

Hayley knew, he's broken. But it seems a much more than she expected.
She stopped him,"wait!" She tried to face him. Look him deep in his eyes. But he kept looking down, " remember, we had due something?"
He looked up. Facing her. His eyes were still wet.
Hayley steeped closer, and put a hand on his cheeks. He felt warmth for the first time. He again broke into crying, but Hayley held him. She supported him to stand again. Then she put her hand on his shoulders and put his on her waist. They started dancing. Closely. They can feel each other warm breath. And the snow started to fall like glitters. And melt as soon as it touches them. And the sky, is it turning a little brighter? Maybe.

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