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chapter forty-five

FANBOY,chapter forty-five________________________________

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°later in the evening, Los Angeles,
Why Don't We household


"SHH, QUIET!" JACK hushed everyone, motioning everyone to stand back as he held a bright red lipstick in his hand.

Lips were sealed as they all continued to watch the boy hover over their brunette friend who was sleeping oh so peacefully.

His eyebrows were furrowed in concentration, Jack not wanting to mess up as he steadied his hand to lightly press the lipstick down on the lips.

Snores left Zach's slightly agape mouth, the poor boy laying in an uncomfortable position on a beanbag with a blanket draped over him.

The six friends have had quite an evening. They played board games, cooked diner together and finished it all off by watching a movie.

However, Zach had fallen asleep almost an hour ago, and after the credits had rolled—his friends became a little 'bored'.

Charity had to keep back her giggles, Daniel nudging her side playfully, a way of telling her to keep quiet.

In moments like these she was happy she always has some make-up somewhere in her bag, in case of 'emergencies'.

It was a weird sight to see though, since Zach's face was already covered in mascara, a light blush and baby blue eyeshadow.

His friends almost felt bad. Almost.

"Shit!" Giving a light smack on his arm, Daniel turned to Jonah after he watched their friend slowly yawn. "He's gonna wake up."

With wide eyes, Jack jumped up, almost tripping over Corbyn's legs who was sitting on the ground as he sprinted over to his seat. "Everyone in positions!" His hushed voice rushed through the air.

Snickering, Daniel and Charity sent each other a look as they watched Jack trying to act 'normal', the boy started to record his friend.

It didn't take long or Zach stretched his arms, groaning lowly as he sat up and yawned. "Ah my back hurts." He whined while rubbing his eyes. "How long have I been asleep for?"

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