Meeting Y/N and Rodd

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Y/N wakes up in an unrecognized room, full of metal and shiny expensive things. They turn their head and find to be awoken with a metal rod by their side. Just like there, not doing anything, just there. Y/N screams. The rod screams. "WHY DID I JUST WAKE UP WITH A METAL ROD?!?" Y/N says, shock upon their face. "I HAVE A NAME, ITS ROD, AND YOU SAID YOU LOVED ME." Rodd claims, shock upon their face. Y/N gets out of the bed to find themselves in very shiny leggings and a leather jacket. "What. The. Hell" Y/N complains, basically shocked about what they're wearing. "Listen, i'm sorry I screamed, you frightened me..." Rodd said. "Your a metal pole why wouldn't I scream. Poles aren't supposed to have ARMS" Y/N exclaims. "Well sorry, I think I'm beautiful." Rodd pulls out a self positivity book. "You can read too?!? Am I dreaming? Am I hallucinating?!? What is going ON?!?" Y/N yells. *farts cutely*
"I'M A RODD OMG" Rodd yells. Y/N grabs their bag and rushes out the door. Suddenly. She can't move. "Wait.." a calm voice says

"Hey bbg" Rodd says

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"Hey bbg" Rodd says....

"What are you doing...Rodd" Y/N says.
"I love you Y/N 💖💖💖" Rodd exclaims...
"Do you love me 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺"
"No u suck" Y/N says, "BUT I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT YOU BBG" Rodd yells. "Its 6 AM! I'm sleeping!" The neighbor yells. "WELL WE'RE TRYING TO HAVE A COMICAL ROMANCE HERE SO YOU SHUT UP!!!!" Rodd yells. "Now bbg lets go inside I will bake you a cake full of love from Rodd 💖💖💖💖💖🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺"  "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO" Y/N yelled.
Rodd brought Y/N inside and started making the cake, little did Rodd know, Y/N jumped out the window. "Ok bbg, heres your- bbg?" Rodd says with confusion upon his mind. Y/N ran and ran far. Soon they knocked on a door, to find a little girl. "HELP THERES THIS METAL POLE WHO HAS ARMS WHOS TRYING TO MAKE ME LOVE IT AND HIS NAME IS RODD HELP!!" Y/N yells. "MOM!!" The little girl yells. "Yes sweetie?" The mother says while walking to the door. "Tell my mommy what you just said." "THERES THIS METAL POLE WITH ARMS WHO IS TRYING TO MAKE ME LOVE IT NAMED RODD!!!" Y/N yells. Ten minutes later Y/N was in an ambulance on the way to the mental hospital. A few weeks later when Y/N was released, they saw Rodd again. " so it was real..?" One of the staff said. "Hey bbg 😏😏" Rodd says with a smirk just like that emoji I just put on his face. "I. Don't. LOVE YOU!!!" Y/N yells. "Well atleast im not a crusty dusty musty ass ugly un-material girl." Rodd ate. Material girl *insert lyrics* "omg i love you now 😩" Y/N says. They kiss.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2022 ⏰

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