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A/N: After careful consideration, I decided to rewrite chapter 6.

Lucy's POV

I get to school and walk towards the back of the school.  Rachel texted me last night before I went to sleep and said that she wanted to talk.  She had been having a bad day yesterday and a little sleep deprived, so hopefully she's in a better mood today.

I walk out of the building and walk towards the football field.  I know where Rachel's usual spot is, so I head that way.  I see her under the stands in her usual spot smoking.  Looks like she's got some weed today.  I can't decide if that's better or worse than cigarettes.

I walk up to her and I stand there in shock at her choice of clothing.  She's wearing the same boots that she usually wears, but she's wearing jeans that have like 50 holes in them.  'How are those pants still held together as pants?' I briefly think to myself.  She's also wearing a black jacket over what I'm assuming, is a tank top.  The tank top is giving me a good view of her cleavage, which honestly is making my mouth water.  Her hair is still swept to one side, but she's wearing a beanie.  I'll say this, she definitely knows how to mix it up from day to day with her outfits.

I say hello to Rachel, and she looks over at me while she takes another puff of her joint.  She moves her hand closer to me with the joint in between her middle and pointer fingers.  "You want some?" she asks me nonchalantly.  Her asking me if I want some of her weed kind of catches me off guard.  "Uh... no.  Thank you, but no." I say in response.

"I, I met some of the glee club." I tell her.  Rachel just shrugs and takes another puff.  "Do you think..." she cuts me off.  "I know what you're going to ask me and the answer is no.  I have no intention of ever returning to New Directions." she tells me very matter of fact.  I nod my head and decide to drop that topic.  "Is there anything else you want to talk about?" I ask her.

She finishes her joint and throws it on the ground before stomping on it.  "It's less of a talk, and more of a warning." she tells me.  "I know you've been talking to Finn.  Don't fall for his charm or feel sorry for his lack of intelligence.  He's a selfish bastard and you need to stay away from him."  I nod my head at her words.  "I appreciate the warning, but I've already told him that I'm not interested.  Besides, he's not my type."  "Yeah, Christina said as much." she mutters.

"I kind of wanted to ask about yesterday." I tell her.  "There's nothing to say." she says and starts to walk away.  I'm surprised, she just wanted to tell me to stay away from Finn and that's it?  I run over to her and stop in front of her.  "Wait!  You said you wanted to talk last night.  I thought you wanted to talk and not just warn me about Finn.  Which, I already know he's someone I should avoid." I tell her.  

"Well now that you mention it, you need to leave me alone." she tells me, really catching me off guard.  "Seriously?"  Rachel nods at my question.  I ask her why, "Because I don't need the new girl following me around trying to be my friend.  We are not friends, now get out of my way!" She tries to walk past me but I get in her way.  "Rachel, please." I start to beg, but she gives me a very angry look and I recoil.  "We are not friends Lucy, and we never will be.  Now leave. Me. The FUCK! ALONE!" she screams and storms past me making her way into the school.  I stand there completely flabbergasted.  What happened?  I thought I was getting somewhere with her, and she pushes me away.  I hear the bell ring and walk back into the school for my first class.

Rachel's POV

I walk into the school and head towards the girl's restroom in the back of the school.  I walk in and it's empty, as it usually is.  This place is so dingy and disgusting nobody ever comes in here.  Except for me and the skanks.  I walk into the last stall and sit down on the toilet.  I take my bag and jacket off, before reaching into my bag and grabbing my box cutter.  Since I got attacked by Finn, I felt like I needed a way to protect myself should I get into another situation like that.  But I also use it for another reason.

I sit down and I drag the blade across my arm.  I watch the blood trickle out of my arm and I start to cool off.  Seeing the dark crimson red travel down my arm is both intriguing and relaxing.  Telling Lucy that I don't want her around anymore got my blood pumping.  Why does she even want to be my friend?  Look at me!  I'm an even bigger freak than I was before.  The only difference is that now I'm a freak you want to keep your distance from, instead of a freak you want to pick on all the time.

I don't know what compelled me to do this, I bring my arm up to my mouth and bite down over the wound I had just made.  The metallic taste... just... intoxicating.  I must seem like a cliche goth or a cannibal/vampire to you now, don't I?  I pull my arm away and clean my cut before wrapping my arm up.

I exit the stall and I'm met with Christina's worried gaze.  "What?" I ask her annoyed.  "Lucy talked to me.  Why did you do that?" she asks me.  I shrug and try to walk past her, but she grabs my arm and I wince in pain.  She takes my arm and moves the sleeve of my jacket up my arm, and she sees the bandage.  She looks at me with even more worry in her eyes.  "You're still cutting?!" she quietly yells.

"Let go of me." I tell her.  "Rachel, you promised you wouldn't do this anymore." she says to me.  I'm trying to pull my arm out of her grasp, but she won't let go.  "Let. Go. Of. Me. NOW!"  "No, Rahcel, I have to tell..." she doesn't get to finish her sentence because I shove her back against the wall.  She lets go of my arm once I shove her back.  She hits the wall hard and slides down the wall.  She looks up at me completely shocked that I just did that.  I run out of the restroom and then out of the school.

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