The Costume Mix Up

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Emily's POV

Right now all of A troupe is practising our new Regionals routine and its amazing! I feel it has a essence of everyone in A troupe and what we're all about

Kate: Great job guys!

Chris: Take five *everyone sits down*

Mikayla: Hey Hey Hey *comes in on a trolley with boxes* guess what I got?

West: A unicorn *everyone looks at him weirdly* what? it could be a unicorn

Mikayla: Oh West, there is something deeply wrong with you

Emily: You got the costumes?

Mikayla: Oh yeah *they start unloading boxes*

Mikayla's POV

As Well as being a dancer, I also do some fashion designing on the side as a hobby and when Kate asked me to design the Regionals costumes, I was very excited

James: Yo lets open them up!

Michelle: *opens up a box* I cant wait to see what they.. *pulls out a floral dress* look like. Um Mikayla I love this dress but Im pretty sure that this is notbwhat you showed me before

Mikayla: What?! *pulls out a bunch of clothes* No No No! Theese are for the spring line, they were supposed to go to Arkansas!

Kate: Arkansas? So you mean our costumes are in Arkansas?

Mikayla: Yes *everyone moans and groans* okay I will sort this out,mI just need to call the shipping company and fire a few people. You guys concentrate on the dance. *walks out*

Chris: She's right we to work on the finals piece, we need to come up with a theme

Giselle: I might have an idea

Emily: What is it?

Giselle: Well you know how Michelle and Eldon made that amazing duet, we could incoprate that into the dance

James: Yeah but what is the theme going to be?

West: Romeo and Juliet

Emily: What?

West: You know how at the begining the two families are divided but at the end they both come together, kinda like this studio.

Stephanie's POV

I don't know how, but I'm pretty sure my boyfriend said something very smart

Stephanie: Wow *kisses him on the cheek* you actually said something, well smart!

West: Well I try

Kate: Who wants to go with the Romeo and Juliet idea?

*everyone puts their hands up*

Chris: Then its settled. Michelle and Eldon, go into Studio B and practise the duet, Emily, divide the rest of A troupe into two sides and call Mikayla. Everybody got it?

A troupe: Yeah

Kate: Alright then! Lets get started! *the dancers go to the rooms*

Eldon's POV

I'm glad that me and Michelle can practise our duet again, I just need to get closer to her and try to figure jer out

*him and Michelle go into studio B*

Michelle: So *sits on a bench looking down* are we gonna use the moves from our original duet or are we gonna change it up?

Eldon: Michelle can we please talk?

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