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Name: Kiana Kaslana

Serial number: K423

Age: 16

Height: 163cm

Weight: 46kg

Birthday: December 7th

Weapon: Dual guns or a baseball bat

 A little Backstory:

K423 was born in an experiment pod, she was made by combining the real Kiana Kaslana's genes combined with Sirin's core also known by the core of the herrscher of the void. While K423 started to work properly the core of the herrscher of the void started to work. Seigfred Kaslana wanted to save his real daughter, his plan got backfired and instantly took K423 thinking it's his daughter. Once he got out of the building he noticed it wasn't Kiana but a clone of her daughter mixed with who he fought with a few years ago...(I don't know if he wanted to save the fake or he actually did wan't to)

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