Chapter 1

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"Out of my way!" A white haired girl wielding two guns shouted while running with a purple haired girl "If your already dead then get out of our way!" both of them shot the zombies. A robot came and almost killed them both before Kiana pushed both of them out of the way.

"Our guns don't even affect these things!" Mei shouted as Kiana complained "Their always after pretty girl like us! Such a perv..if this place wouldn't be so far from my home I would have called Scara nii-chan by now.." she muttered the last part.

A sound came out of no where "Target locked" They both looked up to see a familiar girl "Bronya!" the girl named Bronya flew down "Project bunny 19c" A robot appeared behind her as she killed the robot which attacked us.

Mei praised her "Right in the nick of time Bronya thank you!" Kiana put her hands on her hips "What the hell! You can't just appear with your monster robot! You almost got me killed Brat!" Kiana pointed at Bronya..

Bronya looked behind her "End protection routine for subject Kiana..Set subject Kiana to expandable." Kiana got pissed "OH you wan't to go brat! I'll show you!" as Bronya responded blankly "The Bronya has a 99.99999 percent chance to win.." Kiana shouted back "Oh yeah I have a 100% chance!"

Bronya looked towards Mei "Injuries detected on Mei.." Mei smiled "Oh Im fine it's just a scratch!" Kiana ran to Mei "Hey let me look! For injuries like tongue is the best remedy!" Kiana winked.

Mei blushed before pushing her away "K-Kiana please stop Im ticklish!" Bronya activated project bunny "Target subject Kiana...Mei clearly doesn't like Kiana's actions so subject Kiana has to let go before the Bronya activates attack protocols.."  

Kiana commented "Who said Mei doesn't like it! Look at her she loves it!" Mei shouted confused "H-Huh!" Both of them ran to Mei "The Bronya shall see Mei's response.." Kiana barged in the conversation "You liked it right Mei!"

Mei shouted "There's no way I like those kind of stuff!" 

It became night as they found a place to rest, Kiana sat the opposite of both Mei and Bronya "Hmph Liar! I know you liked it!" Kiana complained as Mei thought 'she's still sulking about that?'

Kiana crawled to them "How can Bronya sleep on Mei's lap! We shouldn't have picked her up! Not fair!" Mei lectured Kiana "Kiana that's not right! We could have died without her!" 

Kiana rolls her eyes "Yeah..Yeah..of course Mei loves Bronya and leaves me on the side.." Mei answered "Yes I love her best! but I love Kiana too!" Kiana got closer "Really!" Mei nodded "Yes you saved my life!" 

Mei looked down at Bronya "Though I do hope we can get out of here safely.." Kiana held her shoulder "Of course we will! and that's why I will give my life to protect you, Mei!" 


The building got destroyed..

They all flew out the building as they saw huge Honkai beast beast. Bronya tried fighting the beast as she got blown away from the beast. "Bronya!" Mei shouted worrying. "If you keep thinking about Bronya..Kiana can get real jealous Mei!" Kiana ran infront of her as her back got slashed deeply. 

"Ki-Kiana.." Mei felt her wound "AHHHHH!" A electrical shield appeared around them both preventing another attack. 


While carrying Kiana she flew up as a wing like thing appeared on Mei's left "The queen does not accept your service worms!" A Honkai energy blast was created. Mei looked down to the wounded girl "Hmph such a messy wound just to save that coward (Human Mei) Kiana! You better wake up! Only I can take your life.."

A ship appeared ontop of them " ones allowed to be on top of the queen!" Mei sent a shock wave which killed and destroyed millions of buildings. 

"It surprises me that you can stay this let me end your suffering.." Mei smiled almost ending Himeko's life.


"St-Stop..." Kiana muttered as she held Mei's hand "Your still alive? good I'll take care of her then you.." Kiana held a part of her wing "What are you doing? you think a mere human can tear down the wings of a god?"

Kiana's hand started to bleed "Give Mei me.." The herrscher looked surprised "T-this is a fake! How can a human tear my wings!" Kiana ripped her wings as it shattered "Give Mei back to me!"

The voids vessel (Genshin impact x Honkai impact 3rd)Where stories live. Discover now