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The smell of blood runs thick in the air, my animal senses savoring the delectable fragrance. At this moment, it's a calming aroma for my kind. Knowing our foundation is rooted, and our future is secure. A primal hunger that is never vanquished or taimed, but a constant. A need to belong and trust in a unit, in order to thrive and conquer. The matalic taste let's us know that the battle has been won and a kill has been made. The fresh essence of death that pungent's the air, captivates while comforting my primal species.

But we're always hungry for more.

Our skins splashed with the roseate of our opponents, speckled and smeared with the blood of the defeated. The kill of Zuri and his delta still proudly worn on my skin in triumph. A warriors paint is the kills crimson gore. Blooding is a lycan's way to show triumph and succession. To covet your body in the blood of your kill, showcasing a conquest. A representation of your brawn and will power, to never give up even in the face of death. A painting that any lycan would proudly wear, because it symbolizes thew.

After my succession to Zuri the challenges began. The fight of my life ensued, as blood spilled and with every fight a life would end. Two lycan's challenged me, refusing submission and in return it ended their lives. There blood still dripping from my finger tips in victory. A bitter sweet scent that thrilled and also hurt. I had to kill two of my own to maintain my position as Alpha. Two had to die in order for the rest to fall in line. Cane submitted in defeat and that was more admiral then death in its self. I can not lead the dead, but only the willing.

We had a lot to do in a short amout of time. Once our bordering neighbor's hear wind of the rank exchange, challenges from other Alpha's will arise. They will try and take humans, land or even lyca's for breeding purposes. And when those challenges arise I will be more then ready to take more then my fair share of winning. I would take back the lands stolen from us under Zuri's rule. I would capture their lyca's and take there humans. I would make their throats bare and theirs knees bow. Every pack in the United States hemisphere would know my stance and would respect me in trade.

This was my chance, my opportunity to show case my skills, strength and vicious nature. So that my name will spread like a wild fire in the winds. Nothing would stop my thurst for power and I wouldn't just stop with my own pack. I will take and take until the mear name that falls from any lips is quickly followed by the shivers of fear. I was about to bring the lycan kind into the future.

Something Zuri despised was the human creation of technology. Something I wanted to embrace and use to the advantage of my kind. But he wouldn't budge when the request was submitted, leaving us behind as the humans found new ways to communicate and thrive. It didn't sit well with me and that was only one of the reasons I challenged his position.

Many others followed after.

I looked around at the eyes of my pack, Cane, Kendrick and Dylan at my sides. I looked out to my people about two hundred stairing back. What I was about to order would be the first decree of my rule.

"The time of Zuri has passed and the blood of my challengers have been spilt. If any choose to fight now, death will swiftly follow." My booming voice spoke in a clear precise tone. I wanted no more death, I wanted to protect and bring our pack to a new beginning. Simply living wasn't enough.

Not a soul stepped forward.

"My Beta, Cane, will be in charge of day to day dealing. My right hand and air to the Alpha, if I fall he will not." I told them in confidence of Cane's capability to follow and rule by my side and at my command. I continued.

"My Gamma, Kendrick, will be my eyes and ears. He will protect our way of life and be my left hand, should I choose to use him." I proudly stated, glancing at him. Kendrick could be my most valued follower, I could see it in his eyes the moment I took Alpha. He accepted me the second Zuri's blood, painted the grass. The swarn oath he gave with the small signals of his body, didn't go unnoticed.

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