Chapter 7

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The image above is my Security Breach Oc. Her name is Percy the Jester. Again do not steal my art or Oc.

Yes this an excuse to show her off and ship her with Sun/Moondrop. Don't judge me!!!😭

I'm going to add her in for this chapter maybe more we'll see. Anyway enjoy the chapter!!!

Sundrop's POV:

'Ok let's see....I got the glitter glue...,and the googly where are my glow sticks??' I think to myself as I rummage through a bunch of boxes.

At first I was gonna just give Y/n the glitter glue and googly eyes.

Buuuuttttt.......I thought that the glow sticks would be cool for them to have!

'Wait don't tell me she.....oh she would.....not again Percy!' I think to myself before I run into my best friend's room.

"Percy! Are you eating the glow sticks again!!!??" I yell out as I burst into her room.

And there I see, in all her glory, eating the glow sticks....

"Whaaaaattt? Me eating the glow sticks?? Nooooooo......I would never!" Percy states with a mouthful of the glowing liquid.

Obviously she was lying.

"Ugh. I told you can't eat them! They're for the kids! Plus last time you went into repairs for a month! I was so worried about you the whole time!" I say as I wipe off her mouth and take the not eaten glow sticks away.

"But they're soooo good! I already have the luminescent stuff in my robotic systems! Why can't I add more?!" She pouts.

"Because you eat the plastic with it. Which damages your robotic wires." I state bluntly.

She just opens her mouth then closes it again.

I chuckle a little at her cuteness.

"Ok! I almost forgot why I'm here! We have a visitor!! Their name is Y/n! And we have to give them the best time of their life!!" I say excitingly.

"Ooooo-Wait isn't it past open hours?" Percy asked.

"Yep! Freddy and the gang are trying to get them out of here! They can't go to Vanessa tho. Because the orphanage is a bad place for Y/n! They did bad stuff to them......" I say sadly.

"They lived in an orphanage? Man poor kid....Ok then! Let's give Y/n the best time of their lives!" Percy says before grabbing my non filled hand and rushed to met Y/n.

My mechanical heart jumped a bit when she held my hand. But I just smiled sweetly at her as I followed along.

'Lets make this the best time ever!!' I think happily.

Y/n POV:

I patiently waited for Sunny to come back, I just sat there twiddling my thumbs.

I hope Freddy and the others are ok....

'What if they're not? What if they got hurt! Did they leave me to?! Are they going to betray me and go against their word?! I don't wanna go back! I can't-I just-' before I continue panicking I see someone different come towards me with Sunny.

Me being me. I hide under the table out of fear of the new robot.

"Sunflower this is Percy my best friend!! She came out to hang with us!!" Sunny said.

I come back out of hiding and awkwardly look up at her.

"H-hi. I'm Y/n...." I say quietly.

She bends down to my height and smiles softly.

"Hey there gumdrop. CapriSun filled me in about ya. You're a little skittish yea? I was to when I was first online. But you know how I got through it?" She asked.

I giggled a little at her nickname for Sunny. I look over to see him hiding his face behind his hands.

"How d-did you get over I-it?" I ask finally.

She smiled and picked me up gently. For some reason she made me feel comfortable. Big Sister vibes!!

"I became brave. And to do that gumdrop.....Is to let go of what's holding you back. Of course fear is something that will also be there...but! You can always move past it." She said then booped my nose.

She then placed me down at the table I was at then went to Sunny and grabbed his arm telling to put the stuff down.

I smiled as we did arts and crafts. It made me....happy? Yea! Happy!!

Then they did a puppet show and it was so funny! Sunny was the mailman and Percy was the dog! Sunny got chased hehehe.

As Sunny was cleaning up and I tugged on Percy outfit.

"Hmm? Oh yes?" She asked sweetly.

I shyly gave her a picture of her and my holding hands. It said: "To the best big sis ever!"

She took it and smiled so wide. She started tearing up. I panicked.

"What's wrong do you not like it?!" I asked.

"No. It's perfect! I love it so much thank you! I'm gonna go put it in my room right now!! Caprisun!! Watch Y/n real quick!!" She yelled before running off.

"U-uh yea! O-of course I got it!!" Sunny said.

I smirked at him. "You like Percy don't you?~"

"W-WHAT NO!" He screamed flustered.

"I may be 5! But I can smell romance drama from a mile away!!" I say proudly.

Sunny just stuttered random words and I just giggled.

It wasn't until the lights flickered that stopped his rambling....

"Oh no! Not now! Sunflower listen go find Percy and stay with her until the lights come on got it!" Sunny panicked as the lights flickered more.

"But why? what's wrong? are you ok?" I asked worriedly.

"Yes! Yes. I'm ok but you ñĘëd to go. Now!" Sunny grabbed at his head as the lights kept flickering.

I was worried but also terrified. What is going on?!

I ran into one of the play sets and stayed up there. Tears filling my vision as the lights flickered and hearing Sunny's panicked screeching.

Then........The lights went out......

Living the PizzaPlex life (Fnaf Security Breach x child reader)Where stories live. Discover now