//𝙉𝙀𝙀𝘿 𝙔𝙊𝙐//𝙅𝙞𝙜𝙜𝙮 𝙏𝙪𝙧𝙣𝙚𝙧 ✨💎(𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁 3)

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D: mhmmm this jacuzzi feels nice and toasty

Kobe looked at Derek's face while Derek was just smiling with his eyes closed , he then turned his head over to me and Jiggy and said

K: his ass is a weirdo
D: and
Y: pop yo shit twin

Me and Jiggy started laughing when Kobe rolled his eyes and said

K: hey Y/N, r u good from earlier ..
Y: can we not bring that up
K: ur right , my bad lemme leave it alone
Y: thanks
J: uh so i thought u two were with Mike and Vallyk
D: we were .. but then they started ..

Derek made this weird sound which then followed with a disgusted expression

J: u ain't gon say it
J: yo yo , i'm sorry
D: it's okay daddy i forgive u
J: thanks for forgiving me baby girl
D: love u
J: i love u more

Jiggy stood up in the jacuzzi and slowly walked towards Derek to give him a hug , i sat there and looked around, i wanted to leave the jacuzzi , because i definitely didn't wanna get alone with jiggy anymore i looked straight at them and said

Y: um , im bout to go inside and get some pizza
K: r u gonna come back out
Y: yea after im done
J: um , i think iam too
Y: huh
D: nooo don't leave jiggy wiggy
Y: yea .. stay here jiggy... what did u say
D: wiggy
Y: wiggy
J: im hungry though , so i'll just hurry up and eat with u then i'll come back out
D: ok weirdos hurry up , i don't wanna be sitting here with kobe's boring ass
K: see that's where u draw the damn line

as i got up out of the jacuzzi and started walking to the slider door , I heard jiggy's big ass wet feet right behind me , i didn't really like when he always followed me, when we got back in the house I went in the downstairs bathroom and took a big towel and wrapped it around my waist, as I walked out I saw jiggy leaning against the counter with a water bottle in his hand drinking it fast, i slowly walked over by him and said

Y: damn that water must be good
J: yes , it is

he walked passed me slightly bumping us into each other he turned back around and said

J: my bad
Y: u good
Y: do u maybe wanna talk about what just happened outside-
J: when derek called me daddy
Y: jiggy stop acting stupid
J: really..
Y: I'm sorry .. but actually should we talk about what just happened
J: in the jacuzzi ?
J: my bad my bad
Y: first u were teasing me at the mall , now u tried it in the jacuzzi .. what r u doing , do u like me or r u just trying to use me
J: yk we're still young right
Y: so on one hand ur telling me we're young . on the other hand u wanna be around me and touch on me .. that doesn't really sound right

he stayed quite for a while .. i glared at him and said

Y: now i know what ur doing .. i'm done with this dumb mind game ur playing jiggy

when i started to walk away he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back to him and said

J: Y/N . i don't know what's happening .. i don't wanna date rn i just wanna be-
Y: friends with benefits ?
J: huh
Y: have u ever seen that movie ?
J: no
Y: oml . basically it's where we sneak around with each other but we're friends
J: ohhh so u gon be my lil sneaky link
Y: um yea sum like that
J: im cool with that

i smiled , i thought the same thing he just said .. he took his hand off my wrist and slowly went down to the towel and unraveled it off. as i wrapped my arms around his neck he started to move his face close to mine , at first i didn't know what he was going to do but i trusted him so i jus let him do his thing. we started to kiss each other slowly until i heard a door open we both hurried up and stopped and looked up , it was derek with his mouth and eyes wide open , i started panicking in my head.. i had all these thoughts 'was he going to tell the boys' 'nah he wouldn't' 'would he?', i looked at jiggy .. he looked way to calm about derek seeing us .. then i looked at derek and said

Y: i swear it's not what it seems
Y: derek please say something
D: what .. the .. fuck
J: at least he said something

i looked back at him with a r u fucking kidding me face , i walked over to derek with my arms wrapped around my waist and said

Y: derek i swear me and him weren't gonna do nothing else
D: ur fucking lying Y/N.. don't be fucking stupid
Y: wait wait .. ik u aren't callin me stupid derek
D: ik ur not deaf too
Y: r u fucking serious ?
D: yk what , this isn't my business but i do need something to keep this thing between us
J: what exactly do u need

Derek looked at me and smirked , i already knew what he was gonna say after that

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