The Ancient Legend

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"Damn, those Zolts are getting more aggressive by the day" She says as she runs into a cave. Shes amazed by how big the cave is and by its beauty. She slows down when she notices that the Zolts are not chasing her anymore. She uses a glowing stick to look around the place, quickly noticing that the cave is a lot bigger than she imagined it. The more she went deeper into the cave she had a strange feeling in her head, like if something was guiding her. "Hopefully there isn't any Creatures here." she says as she continues to walk cautiously. she notices a reflection from a far from her glow stick, as if it was glass of some sort. "What is that?" she thinks as she approaches the thing, she could feel the air getting heavy the more she approached it. as she walks closer she notices its a body with some sort of suit. "what the hell is this?" she squats in front of the body. "well who ever that is looks to be wearing some fancy suit... nothing like i've ever seen. but he seems to be dead and if he's dead maybe i should leave too" she thought as a green triangle with a small gap at the bottom flashes on the helmet. "did it just blink?" she says as she backs up slowly. after a few seconds she noticed it didn't do anything, she approaches it again"what if i take the suit?" she thought for a second, it did look badass in her mind. it was a tactical gear but much more advance for its time, even before the Awakening, this looked to be a little out of their league. "they really out did themselves who ever did this, well seems like ill steal this then since you wont need it anymore" she says with a smirk on her face. she slowly took off the suit the body had. "should i put these stuff on? it looks like it turns on somehow but it really seems old so maybe it will have no use... worth the shot this shit looks badass" she said excited to try on the suit. while she was putting on the suit she felt like something was watching her. she didn't put much thought behind the feeling since the suit had her attention more than anything. "this is sick, stinks a little but it's bearable." she puts on the helmet and it powers on. "woah this stuff still work? awesome." there was silence for a few seconds. out of the sudden the helmet starts to play high frequencies, she falls in the floor and holds her helmet trying to take it off as it is locked to the suit now. she drops to the floor and the suit starts to heat up. she feels its too hot and the suit from the inside starts to release a gas. "i knew this wasn't a good idea" she thought as she was still struggling to get the helmet off. after a few seconds she stops struggling and there's silence again.. the suit opens and releases all the gas and slowly cools down and so does the high frequency. all of the sudden she wakes up "Finally a new body" she speaks with a different voice. "i wonder how long it has been since i died. well its about time i go and check out how the others are doing. if they are still alive" she laughs. "oh right my old body, i should probably dig myself a grave or something" she says as she looks for something "oh great and i don't have it? amazing." she says frustrated as she slowly walks away from the body "man fuck that i'm too lazy" she says as she puts her hands behind her head and slowly directs herself to the entrance of the cave. "may-. GAHH" she screams in pain as she falls on her knees. "its too late stop this!" she yells to herself. for a brief moment she stops moving and then a big gasp of air comes from her "what the hell ??" she exclaims as she struggles to catch her breath. "am i back in my body? is this me?" she thought as she touched her face and arms. "hey hey hey easy let me have the body and there will be no issues" a male voice comes in her head. "what? the fuck is wrong with you? you took my body! and you expect me to give it back just like that? that was a horrible fucking experience" she says angrily looking up as if she was talking to her head. "yeah yeah whatever punk, guess we stuck together then if you're not gonna give me my suit and your body back" he says. "who are you? what are you even doing here? why were you trying to take my body?" she says demanding answers still on her knees. "uh you don't know about me? what year is it??" he says worried. "what are you talking about its the X era?" she says confused. "The X era? when the hell did we start calling centuries era?" he asks. "what do you mean we've been calling it the X era ever since the thing happened" she responds more intrigued on who this person is, there is no response for a few seconds. "hey" he says as if he was in front of her. she looks up and sees a guy staring at her in a holographic form. "WOAH! how the hell did you do that?" she looks up and down confused. "uh you're wearing my helmet? of course you're gonna see me Dumbass" he says as he walks around glitching a bit. "whats your name?" she asks. "oh my name? uh i guess we can introduce ourselves until i take your body again. my name is Ryker. whats yours punk" Ryker responds with a smirk on his face. "my name is Ava, a lonely wonderer i guess" she says unsure herself. "great so no one will worry about me taking your body plus you seem pretty lonely yourself so do you mind if i just-" he gets cut off. "no this is MY body, Stop being weird and Explain to me what my new suit does" she says with a smile. they are interrupted by a loud shrieking from deeper in the cave. "what the hell was that?" she says worried "uh oh" ryker adds. when they look towards the direction of the shriek, they see a group of Zolts run past them. "they seemed.. scared. what are those things?" Rykers says and shortly another shriek is heard. a 9 foot tall what looked to be a massive bear and a deer mixed together walks towards them. the creatures steps are heard loudly through the cave, so heavy you could see small rocks vibrating with the floor. long fur covered in old mud making the hair stick together in clumps. Red Beaming eyes, Massive sharp antlers. on its arms it seemed to use the hardened mud as plates to protect itself. a few scars on the deer skull on its head and a long tail whipping from one side to another slowly. "i think we are his next meal, quick let me take over the body ill get us out of this alive" Rykers says "Hell no! you think I'd let you use my body after telling me you want to keep it?" Ava responds terrified at beast. "even if i was lying to you,if you took control from the body once, you think you're incapable of doing it again?" Ryker reassured. "Well.. how can i believe you?" she responds "you cant, you're just going to have to trust me" Ryker says with a smile. a small pause is exchanged before Ava speaks again. "fine, i trust you. something within me tells me you're not lying" she says ready to trade the body with Ryker. "thanks" Ryker tells her as they change bodies. "awesome, but give me a second i need to reset the suit to make sure its use is maximized." Ryker says as he runs and hides behind a rock. "this will only take a few seconds" the suit powers down but then is brought back to life. the Green Triangle turns red for a slight moment and then back to green. Ryker Quickly gets up and looks around "right, its not with me." he says as he gets up "what not with you?" ava asks "don't worry about it, for now" he replies "but its fine, ill do fine without it. just not my max potential." he says right before he shows himself to the creature. "hey big guy, over here!" Ryker yells and the creature faces him. for a moment Ryker is filled with weakness, his past mistakes flashes right before his eyes and everything he's done. he pauses. "w-what the hell is that thing?!" ryker exclaimed. "whatever it is, its dead now." Ryker says as he pulls a small dagger. "what the hell do you expect to do with that??" Ava asks "just. watch." he replies. he bolts at the beast and the beast swings at Ryker. he jumps on his arm and for a split second he teleports on the creatures back. Ava shocked realized that who ever Ryker was, he wasn't ordinary. Ryker Reaches up and chants something in a weird language Ava has never heard before. all of the sudden Avas body is filled with electricity. she can feel the great power Ryker holds, it runs through her blood and all of her body. "Executio" Ryker says in a low voice and the creatures body was filled with electricity but with a different color than i'm used to seeing. the white electricity ran through the creatures body for another few seconds before ryker decided to stop. Ava took control of the body once again. "What was that?' was that the suit or you?? what about the fast teleporting? what was that about?!" she says impatiently. "Im what people used to call The Corrupted one, i don't want to talk about this anymore though, change of subject! what was that?" Ryker said a little sad. "oh.. uh okay. i have no idea what that was but we can give it a name? if you are patient enough id like to draw this creature in my book. whatever information i can get about these creatures the better for me"Ava says. "Thats fine, i get to choose the name though if you're going to draw it. its only fair" Ryker demands. "thats fine, think of a name while i draw this then." Ava says walking towards her backpack and reaching for an old homemade sketchbook and a wooden pencil. she sat by a rock close to the monster and started to draw it. Ryker sat on top of the beast. "hey draw me in it too!" he exclaimed. "ill draw ur hologram for taking my body without my permission" Ava says pleased with her answer. "cmon try to draw me as a human, if it wasn't for me you'd be dead right now, you're aware of that right?" Ryker says little pissed. "calm down, ill draw you in it" she says while looking at her sketchbook.

[ A Few Hours later ]

"i'm done, how does it look?" she says showing ryker the drawing. "You've got skill punk ill give you that" Ryker says with a small smile. "how old are you even?" he adds. "well i stopped counting once my parents died but that was a while ago. i wanna say i'm around 18-19. how about yourself?" Ava responded packing up her materials. "technically speaking i'm about a few hundred years old. maybe even more if the whole era thing has been going on for a while" Ryker says walking behind her. "The Thing happened so long ago so i wouldn't know exactly how long ago you were alive for. sorry" she says while she shrugs and walks away. "hey wait take the antlers!" ryker yells for her. "what why?" she responds. "because we can use it for weapons? those antlers looked pretty strong and sharp. i can make some pretty good weapons from those!" he says excited to make weapons. "fine, we'll take them. but you're doing all the work" she says walking back to the creature. After they took the antlers they started to head out of the cave. "woah, is this what Xeno looks like now?" Ryker asks. "Oh so y'all called it Xeno even back then?" Ava asked surprised. "we'll yeah what else are we gonna call it?" ryker responded confused. "never mind, lets look for some better shelter for the night. it will get cold and we don't wanna fight what lurks in the dark" Ava said worried. shortly after looking around they found a big tree with a hole not too high up. Ava started to climb slowly "to be honest i'm not exactly excited about the idea of sleeping with you much less in a tree but its all we have." Ava sighs. she gets into the hole and she rests her head on the wall within the tree. "i'm exhausted" Ava says slowly closing her eyes. "i may have over done it a little" ryker says chuckling a little. Ava's eyes shut and she silence fills the hole. "thank you for helping me today" Ava says before she passes out. "you're welcome Ava" ryker says.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 14, 2022 ⏰

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