will it reveal

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As jk left his mansion and call jhope and he was getting tense and worried

Jk- plz be okay Taehyungie  I will not leave that mf who dare to hurt u said while gritting his teeth

Jh- jk u call me
Jk- hyung get ready  I want u to come to this address I'm sending u and bring guns with u i forgot to take it
Jh- jk what happens and why u r tensed
Jk- taehyung something happens in his house his grandma called and said to save him.
Jh- jk dont worry I'm on my way

Some hour before

When taehyung see it's getting dark he left that place he was going home in his way while going he remember about his father he was now getting scared he didn't get any money and the little money which he having he spend it on his grandma medicine and some groceries what he will do taehyung is scared to death he was just praying he is not drunk and more important not  in drugged because from someday he have seen his father always come home drugged and he have some find in his father room also while cleaning

While thinking all this he reached home he slowly come inside and see it was really silent like something big is gonna happen like silent before strom he was feeling like this he take deep breath and come inside and got shocked

All the things were thrown it was disaster then he go to his grandma room he see same thing but he didn't saw her he got worry and start to call her names

Then he come out from room and see some people are there then he see some person are holding his grand ma and his father is there talking with

Tae- who all r u and why u holding grandma leave her right now

M- my name is Mac and ur so called father have taken money from me which didn't gave till now and today was last day and do u know what he say I don't have  haha 😂🤣 what he think I will believe him I want my money he say that his son have
Tae- so that doesn't mean u will fu. Ki g break in my house and  leave my grandma she has nothing to do with it
Mrkim- where is the money said after taking tae to corner
Tae- i i dont have
Mrk- what u means u dont have don't tell me u spend in her useless medicine
Tae- it not useless
Mr k- taehyung where the hell is money u have freaking working somewhere it been month I want my money
Tae- it... it go.... t   cutted
Mrk- what u mean
Tae- my... sala... ary got cutted  said tae

As tae said this he feel sting in his right cheek then again and again his start to beat him and his and the people ho came became shock

His grandma become worried and  Mac become frustrated and shout
Mac- stop your f..ing family drama I want my money back now said Mr kim left tae and start to get tense then taehyung try to get up from floor his body was hurting really bad his mouth and nose were covered with blood he try to stand and said

Tae- sir can u give some time i promise I will pay
M- tsk tsk I have given more than years to this bi. Ch
Tae- sir plz i  promise I will give u

As said this Mac right  hand then say

Rh- we will not
Tae- sir plz just 1 month I will give
Rh- u f.. king don't understand we will not
Tae- sir pl-

Before tae complete Mac right hand started punching  taehyung 
Tar try to fight back but he was not able to then tae punch Mac right hand as he did Mac got angry and said his men to beat both of them

Tae got worried not about him about his grand ma and said to grand ma while try to defend him self and fight

Tae- grand go to room and lock ur self and try to call for help but dont call police

As tae said his grandma got inside andlock herself and start to think what to do she was getting worried for tae she can't call police she understand why tae said because his father was in drug smuggling and his family has taken money from them and even if police arrest them they will arrest his family also then he will not able to save his grandma and himself because they are not that much powerful

While with tae he try to fight but he was badly injured and weak and his father he was trying to escape but one of Mac mans see and start to fight with him

Tae try to defend himself by fighting them but they were more he was not able to he got badly injured because Mac mans start to use weapons as knife tae try to dodge it

(What I'm even writing✍️)

While with her grand ma she start to look in drawer  she was finding something then she got that card which she remember jk has given her to call him in emergency she try to call but nobody was picking she got worried at last she again try hopefully someone picked up

Tae grandma- hello, hello is this Mr jeon I'm taehyung grandma
Jk- grandma what happened and why u call me is everything think okay and is Tae with u he didn't came till now
Taegrandma- Tae Tae plz save him
Jk- what happened to him said in tensed
Tg-some people got in our home they are fighting with Tae plz they will harm him
Hello hello can u hear me
Jk- grandma ur voice it cutting hello grand ma
Tg- hello her

As they were talking suddenly they hear gun shot sound and phone slip from her hand she got shocked and start to breath abnormally she ran outside  to see

Bye bells

(Just joking)

Before gun shot sounds

As Tae start to plfight with them he start to punch them he beated 2 men by seeing this Mac right hand start to fight him with knife Tae try to doge it he kick his hand the knifes fell from his hand then Tae again kick him and start to punch him

By seeing this Mac take out his gun and shoot on celling   every body got stopped and Mac point his gun on Tae on that time Tae grandma came and see Mac is holding gun at Tae she got worried and start to get tense because of this her heart beat rate got high which was not good sign for her she start to feel dizzy but still she try her best to not fell down

Mac- now now give me my money or choose to die.
Tae- plz give me some time said while gulping because he was now scared as Tae already see her grandma was out and she was not looking well
Mac- i said I want it right or............ Or say good bye to ur grandma
Tae- No plz plz I'm begging u i will pay just give me some time i didn't get my salary because of some problem when I will get I will give u plz plz 🙏
Mac- tsk ur so called father also said this same thing 5 yrs ago but still he didn't return it now I want money or say goodbye to her said while pointing his gun at Tae grandma

Mac- i want it now okay if this ur dission then say goodbye to her

Said then he load or what ever they do before fireing a gun yeah he pulled the trigger and then he shoot at her while Tae see this and pushed his grandma and then but

Tae- grandma


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Bye bells

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