reveals pt2

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When tae dad got to know about this he was angry and  when Cole see this he was happy Cole son who was also jealous of tae he got to know tae dating thing he inform his dad and his dad didn't lose his chance to teach them lesson he know about Mr kim behavior toward his family

And when tae dad got to know this he immediately left for his home and when come inside he start to shout calling tae who was in his grandma room saying about his ring thing and when he heard his dad calling him in anger he got scared and left the room and got to his si called dad and when he come he see his dad and mom where ther and soon his grandma also come by listings to Mr kim shout she was worried that he don't do anything to tae

Tae- dad why u calling me said in scared tone when instead reply he got slapped and the again till his mouth have blood tae try to defend him self by avoiding it he didn't understand what he did he give the money which he get from work and he have buy bear and done the works also then why he was getting beaten

Mrk- u r asking me why what the fu. K u did huh u dont know  u committed a sin
Tae- sin what sin
Mrk- u dont know u love boys said in disgusted and when tae hear it he got shocked and start to tremble he know his dad hate gays and now he got to know about it which he was hiding  from him

Tae- dad listen to me plz I love him don't separate us plz said while pleading and kneeling down

Mrk-  what u said huh u love that b. tch
See what u done because of u he have gotten out of our hand said to mrs kim tae mom
Mrk- u r going to leave that s.ut do u get it.
Tae- he not s.ut  and i love him I will not leave him dad plz let me with him he really a good person and he also really love we both r happy I'm happy with him plz dad
Mrk- do u think I care then listen I don't care u r going to leave that b.tch, I don't want to hear anything because of u my reputation got down do u know how embarrassed I was when Cole said me this tsk it all happened because of u people will laugh at me said and kicked tae when tae grandma see this she run toward tae to check him and said to mrkim in angry tone

Grandma- what reputation r u talking about huh u loose it because of urself first see ur self what sin u have done before telling others and what tae had done he love that boy u both should support him but instead of that u both are scolding and beating him huh he will not leave that boy and that Cole I very well know how much  jealous he and his son is of my tae

Mrk- i don't care he will leave that boy and he is my son i know what wrong and right for him u don't have to meddle between us

Tae- son haha u r saying son huh to whom huh u never care about me nor mom did u both always busy with ur self and never care about me that have I eaten or when I m I'll grandma is the only person who care for me not u both

Tae said this in angry and hurt voice his parents never care about him at all And because of his so called dad he have to face so much problem in his childhood

While with mrkim he was angry then he looked at mrskim and see she was in a dazed he shooked her hard and say

Mrk- why r u silent why don't u say something to this boy huh it all because of u if u would have reached him he would never dare to commit this sin

Mrskim who was silent all the time couldn't handle it and say

Mrsk- what is my mistake huh u were the one because of our life got destroyed because of u we both destroy our son life but now let start from new huh let him be with that boy see don't u see how happy he is which we never able to give him plz na let forgot about everything and start from new huh say said in  guilty and desperate voice but when mrko m heared this he got angry and slapped mrskim because of sudden impact mrkim fall down but it was nothing new it always happen in this way only when  ever she try to raise her voice mrkim would abuse her so she started to be in silent and because of all those loan and pressure and there no income she have to do many job and because of this she neglect tae she know she did was wrong but she also can't do anything but she was thankful to his mother in law as tae grandma for taking care of his son

Mrk- u all r useless u all- 

Just as mrkim was going to say he heard knocked on his gate he go and opened the gate before he could say many men start to come inside and mrkim know they had come here for the money that he have taken

When they all come inside tae and grandma see them they also know why they came because mrkim was addicted to bear and gambling type of thing he have taken so much loan that they r not able to pay

Mrkim- sir why r u here u would have called me i would have come here

It was day when mac come to mrkim house because Mr kim didn't pay the money it's was been like 1 yrs so they could me to his house

And it's was the day when tae lost 2 important person of his life

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