Chapter Nineteen

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Story: Broken But Brave
Chapter Eighteen: Two Pieces of A Heart

⚠Mature for Self-harm and depictions of blood. Read at your own risk.⚠

"You idiot! Accio wand," she shouted. He watched as his holly wand left the bedside table and flew to her hand. She caught it and quickly pocketed it. Harry groaned. Her eyes widened as she caught sight of the blood stains on his shirt and his cheek. "Merlin!" she breathed and ran over to him. He backed away and stealthily put the dagger into one of his pant pockets. However she noticed it. Frowned, she flicked her yew wand. "Accio armament," the blood stained dagger flew to her hands as her eyes widened. "Scourgify," she hissed, pointing her wand at it. His blood on it disappeared instantaneously. She pocketed it and looked up at him. "What do you think are you doing?!" she shouted.

"Leave, Ginny!" Harry exclaimed. Suddenly, he started to feel dizzy as his vision blurred.

"I won't!" she protested and quickly ran to the bathroom and came back with a first aid kit. "Now sit down or else I will stun you personally and treat those cuts!" Ginny ordered. Harry put his hands up in surrender but quickly lowered it down as a sharp sting rose through his injured left wrist. "Goodness, Harry!" she whisper-shouted as she made him sit on the bed, rather forcefully. Harry could hear her muttering under her breath.

"You idiotic prat! What did you think you are doing, cutting yourself like this?! Did you think that I would be able to live if you cut yourself? Prat! I don't even know if Episkey would heal them without causing a nasty infection." Harry tried to retort but he felt another sharp sting of pain, this time, rising in his chest. He now wondered why he cut himself in several places.

The thunder rumbled in the distance as raindrops splattered on the windows. The weather seemed to be agreeing with the sad atmosphere around Sirius' bedroom as the heavy downpour started. Harry's vision was going even more blur even with his glasses on so he decided to say something which he wanted to, ever since he was released from that blasted prison.

"Ginny, listen. I love you, until the end."

"Shut it, Harry!" hurt, Harry looked at her and found that crystals of tears were falling from her worried brown eyes which held pain and sorrow in them. Her mouth was  opening and closing like a fish as she tried not to sob audibly. She looked so broken, so hurt, so vulnerable that Harry immediately fell silent, looking guilty. It hurt him too much to see her cry. He had, in fact, rarely witnessed her cry. She was a very strong woman and when needed, held all the sorrow in and comforted others. The memory of her comforting the little child during the battle was suddenly remembered by the raven haired man as he watched Ginny work on his bleeding cuts and bruises. He closed his eyes, trying to calm himself enough to ask her to leave him. He felt Ginny wrap a tight bandage around his left bleeding wrist. A sharp pain rose through his veins and arteries. He shook his head to ignore it.

"Leave me alone. I'm fine, lo-Ginny," he stuttered, hoping that she did not hear his slip up. She ignored him. Her face was contorted with concentration as tears still slipped down her red cheeks.

He blinked his pale green eyes rapidly to keep himself from slipping into unconsciousness as things started to blur around him again. Ginny noticed this and immediately rummaged through the first aid kit and took out two bottles of red fluids. One was darker than the other and was labelled as 'Blood Replenishing Potion'. The other was the pepper-up potion, used to make a person hyperactive; In Harry's case, completely conscious. She opened the cork and helped Harry gobble it up. It tasted salty just like blood and he made a face. Just as he did, fresh blood began flowing down his cut cheek. Without panicking, Ginny muttered an 'episkey' and a sharp sting later, it stopped bleeding. "Go, Ginny."

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