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The bustling street fills the morning air, some drivers honking at how slow the traffic is, dozens if not hundreds of people walking in the street going to work and the delicious smell of coffee beans being cooked in the cafés awakens all the sleepy souls from the night before.

It's been 2 days since you got a text from Angel, getting yourself a cup of coffee-to-go and sipping it on the rooftop of your workplace sounds perfect to start your day. Though you hate Monday, it is your weekday ritual, that is if it's not raining. You take a sip of your [coffee of your choice], feeling the gush of caffeine travelling through your veins getting you ready for your busy schedule as you admire the morning scenery.

"You gotta work on your punctuality, dude." You called out at whoever decided to join you minutes after the time both of you agreed to meet. "No need to call me out for that."

"Nice to see you too," You turn your back against the magnificent rooftop view to look at the person. "Tyler."

"Likewise, [y/n]" he greeted you and joined you on the rooftop. "I thought I have to buy you another coffee but I'm glad Kenneth told me this is your second cup."

"pfft, funny." you chuckled. Of course, he would ask him.

"So," He paused. "How's it going?"

"My personal life or my work life?"


"It's going great, to say the least." You muttered at the latter part as you take a careful sip of your hot beverage.

"The two still forced to go back to dating?"

"Oh, they never stop." you rolled your eyes at the thought of both of your best friends keep confiding you of that matter.

"Figured." He said sipping on his drink. "Didn't expect to see you at mum's hotel last night. Especially with a moronic man."

"Neither do I," you sighed. "You know how Cath would be if I didn't."


"How about you? Haven't heard from you ever since I went to France."

"Eh, you know how's it like to work with our parents. Had to put a cork on it for some times."

"New hotel really takes off huh?"

"How did you know?" Tyler gaped.

"Eh," you trailed off coyly. "A little birdie told me."


"Hm!" You hummed as you gulp down your coffee. "Good to have her as my sister-in-law isn't it?"

He scoffed, the silence taking over the both of you. It's nice to catch up with your brother after losing contact for so long. It's always good to unwind before getting yourself stressed over the upcoming audition for the new entertainer recruits that will happen in a week.

"Hey!" Your brother burst out all of a sudden to catch your attention.

"Jesus," you clutched your chest as if your heart is about to jump out. "Don't do that."

"Sorry" He snorted. "Testing water over there."

You give him the side glance that he deserves after nearly ending your heart rate before you repeat his sentence rhetorically.

"Matters aside, why don't you come over for dinner tonight? Olivia will for sure be happy to see you since your last visit."

"whew, how long has it been? 3 years?"

"3 long years. C'mon, it'll be fun."

"Free dinner? Who can turn that off?" You jested. "Sure just text me when."

A Match made By Heaven - Alcina Dimitrescu (fxf)Where stories live. Discover now