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"jungkook where the fuck you are? "

"What happened jin?" Jimins brother was yelling at phone.

" You bastard don't you know to not let him alone when he get drinks? If anything happens to him I swear to god jungkook I will rip you out in peaces!"

" What are you talking-....."

"Jimin cut himself.... Come to civil hospital right now if you care for your life." Jin screamed and cut off phone.

Jungkook knewed he screwed up already. Jin will kill him as soon as he reach there. Still to save his plan he have to go and he did.


At hospital...

"I know you didn't go beyond limit yesterday...." Jimin said.


"No need to act innoscent.... This was first time I tried this way to get rid of that feeling but I guess it didn't helped." Jimin chukled.

" Why did you-...?"

"you don't need to know that. Just be glad that I told jin that it wasn't your fault." Jimin said with small smile. Suddenly beeps on machine increased and jimins breathing got unstable.

"D-... Docter. DOCTER!!!!!"jungkook yelled.

Within second docter come and jungkook stepped aside to let them handle it.

After some time jimin gone back to sleep and his breathing got stable.
Jin and jungkook let out a sigh in relief but that was not reaction on docter face.

" What happened docter?" Jin asked.

"Didn't I already told you to take care of his diet? He is starving himself to death.... And then blood loss at yesterday night."

"Is it serious?" Jungkook asked.

"If he didn't get up from this sleep...... He will go on coma." Docter said and jin almost lost his balance. Jungkook helped him to stand still.

"I am sorry." Docter said and bow down then he left room.

"He don't deserve this....."

"He dosent Fucking deserve any of this." Jin screamed.


"Everyone knows park jimin who will kill anyone without thinking for second but I have seen that minie behind that mask..... But now he is nomore. His own father killed that minie and made him this heartless suicidal person." Jin told jungkook while letting out cry for man lying in front of them.

"what happened with him hyung?" Jungkook asked in soft voice. Even though jungkook hated this feeling but he felt like his heart was shrinking thinking about jimin.

His Revenge( Vminkook) 21+Where stories live. Discover now