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(A/N: I'm back from the dead to update a chapter since it's been a while and I just remembered to continue this story. The months I spent procrastinating was a blast. Sorry for making you guys wait, so here's a really long chapter for you guys. Also quick warning, this chapter contains nsfw scenes, enjoy!)


Everyone started to pile out of the room while you stood in front of your locker pretending to check inside as you slowly unbutton your dress shirt, peeking behind you every once in a while to make sure if everyone already left so you could freely undress without eyes looking at you.

Fuyuhiko already left you in the dust, going with Gundham, Kazuichi, and Hajime. The talk you had earlier wasn't a big help with your dilemma. I mean, who's gonna be comfortable undressing in front of random people? Even if they're your classmates – one is your childhood friend, you're still not comfortable with it. Heck, one of them is even a pervert!

While you silently curse Fuyuhiko for leaving you behind, you didn't notice someone approaching you until you felt a hand touching your shoulder. You instinctively punched the person, jumping back into a stance, ready to fight.

“Great punch, (M/N).” Nagito smiled as blood slowly oozed out of his nose. “Nagito?!” your eyes widen as you fuss over him, frantically mumbling sorry while wiping the blood off with your towel.

“I'm sorry–”

“It's okay, (M/N).” he cut you off, holding your wrist as you both stared at each other, (e/c) irises clashing with grey-green ones. Time seems to stop as you got lost in each other's eyes.

You didn't know why you felt this way since this was the first time you felt like this. Is this the so-called "crush" that (S/N) is talking about? But, we only met for like a week, and we barely talk, so why?

You cough pulling your hand back when you realized you're staring. I mean, two guys having a staring contest inside a locker room; one with an unbuttoned shirt and the other with only a towel covering his most treasured part, how weird seeing that be?

Turning your back on him to hide the slight blush, you asked, “w-why are you still here? Everyone is already outside, you should go with them.”

“Do you not want me here, (M/N)?” You heard him speak, voice lacing with sadness. You swiftly turn around, knowing what's to come, and you were right when you saw him sigh, looking at his hand. “I suppose you wouldn't want trash like me to be in the same room as you. I'm truly sorry for bothering you, I'll leave now.”

Seriously, this guy can be dramatic sometimes.

You grab ahold of his arm, grip firm, wanting him to know that you didn't mean it like what he's thinking about while Nagito looked at you with an unreadable expression. “Nagito, wait! It's not like I don't want you here, I... I'm just uncomfortable undressing with people around, so don't say that.”

“Oh. I'll just turn around then.” he smiled, turning around so that you can freely do your business. Your mouth was agape as you contemplate whether or not you told him it's not that easy as he thought but went against it.

You hesitantly started to strip even though there's someone with you, back turned around and humming a song. It still made you uncomfortable with the thought, for this was the first time you ever undressed with somebody around. A shut-in like you wouldn't know that this was the norm in sectors.

“Is getting naked necessary?”

“Yes, it is, (M/N),” Nagito replied. You frown as you hesitantly pull your underwear off. You glance at your towel, flecks of blood can be seen staining its pure white color. “I don't think I can use this towel,” you mumble as you think of ways to cover your dick since you assume that Monokuma only gives out one piece of towel. He'll probably sell you one at an unreasonable price.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2022 ⏰

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