Chapter 8

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Unnati's POV continued:

"Would you like a cup of coffee before you leave?" I asked.

"Sure!" Manav took his shades off and stepped out of the car. When we entered , all eyes were on us well on him including my aunt's curious gaze. I smiled at her and looked towards Manav who was taking a few steps away from me as he was looking around my confectionery.

"What would you like to have son?" My aunt asked.

"Umm... I would like a cappuccino please." He replied.

I was setting one of the tables for him when Manav came up to me and said...

"Unnati, it's quote happening here, how about we sit somewhere a little quite.." He whispered feelings awkward that everyone was taking a glance of him. I couldn't help but smile that the billionaire playboy is feeling shy because of the few customers staring at him. It's funny looking at Manav so self-conscious.

"How about sit in my office?" It's empty...come!" I guided him to my mini office.

"I know it's nothing compared to your work place but I hope you'll enjoy your cup of coffee quietly here." I said smiling.

I felt a little nervous bringing him into my little office, since, his is pretty lavish and grand compared to mine. Fidgeting with my fingers I watched him as he came in and took a seat, resting his hand on the arm rest like as if he owned the place. How can a human be this confident? I REALLY NEED TO STOP ADORING HIM. My aunt bought in his coffee with a few snacks on the side and placed it before him, he muttered a silent thank you and looked towards me as she left.

"Are you gonna just stand there?" He raised an eyebrow at me. I hope he doesn't realise how nervous I am. What's with this guy anyway, he has made me feel all sorts of things in just a day.

"Oh sorry." I muttered before sitting across him.

"It's very cozy in here, I mean the whole bakery and your office. Seems like a great place to hangout when you need a break." He gave me a genuine smile.

"Thank you, I like it simple and cozy." I replied.

Manav stayed there for a while , talking about random topics which eventually made me a little comfortable around him before he left.

As soon as he left it felt like I can finally breathe and loosen up a bit. My aunt couldn't stop sending me playful grains and I knew she's going to tell Aashna about it. It was time to close the shop and head home, thankfully my aunt drove me back. bidding her farewell, I came home and give dad an update of the hotel and he seemed pleased about it. After dinner together with my dad and sister who was constantly texting on her phone with blush on her face, I decided to have a wash and change into some comfy pyjamas and slide into bed. Just then my phone rang and it was Aashna..

"Hello Aashna!" I answered.

"Unnati I heard the news before you tell me babe... Seriously Manav Chhabra at your cafe!? What!?" She screamed.

"Aashna it's no big deal, let me tell you why..." and then I explained everything to her.

"Hmm, so was there a spark or anything between you two?"

"No silly, what's wrong with you?"

" Well I was just hoping if my gorgeous cousin would make the country's hottest billionaire fall for her"

"Ew Aashna, he is country's biggest playboy too. How can you forget? Plus I would never stand a chance with the girls he goes out with. There was a girl literally begging for a night with him this morning. It was disgusting" I rambled to her while checking the time and it was 9:25 pm , which only meant Manav must be having fun with the lily or rose or whatever her name was.

We spoke for a good hour and hung up, before I fell asleep.

What will happen next?🥰

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