Chapter 20

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Unnati's POV:

"Hey Unnati..." It was Jack and his words slurred so much, he was drunk and smelt disgusting.

"Jack? What are you doing here?" I spoke trying to free my arm but his hold was pretty firm.

"I followed you gorgeous...I had to make sure no one does something to you when you are all alone...." He walked really close to me.

"Umm I m fine. I have to go, my dad must be looking for me." I tried to walk past him but he pulled me by my waist, keeping me so close to his drunken self. His breath made me nauseous. His hands roamed on my bare back making me shiver in fear.

"Jack let me go!" I tried to sound brave, but on the inside I was shivering like anything.

"Not so fast baby." He sniffed my hair like a creep. Without wasting any second, I stomped on his foot with my four inch heel and he screamed in pain. He let me go that instant and before I could get away, he held my wrist.

"Unnati?" I turned around to see Addy, he threw his cigarette bud into the grass and ran to my direction.

"Get your fucking hands off her!" Addy growled and that was the first time I saw him so serious. Jack didn't seem to let go though, he just laughed like it was a joke.

"Addy, I think he is drunk..." I said trying to pull away.

"Who the hell are you to say that..huh?" Jack spoke and within a second he fell on the ground as Addy gave him a blow on the jaw. I screamed as I watched Jake's unconscious body on the floor.

"Is! Is he dead?" I hadn't realised the tears rolling down my cheeks.

"Calm down Unnati, the fucker is drunk. He'll wake up once he's sobered up. Don't worry. Come lets get you to Manav." He spoke while pulling me away from Jack's drunk unconscious body. Oh no Manav! Think think think.....

"Addy, I don't feel so good....I'm going to go home with my sister now." I said stoping on my way. "Can you not tell anyone about this, tonight. I don't want to ruin the party. Please?"

"I don't think that's a good idea, Unnati. Manav needs to know about this." Addy spoke in all seriousness. He wouldn't care if you told him, I wanted to say it loud. "It doesn't matter Addy, I'm safe now and thank you!" I smiled at him. "Bye now, enjoy the party." I gave him a wave and walked into the party to meet my family. I quietly walked in and sat beside my cousin like nothing happened. Watching Manav once again, I noticed him speaking to  a group of men, they didn't seemed like they were friends but more like a group of business men having a chat. As for Kashish, she was busy talking and signing autographs to the people who come up to her.

"Unnsu, let's go home. I'm sleepy." Khushi yawned.

"I'm tired too..." I spoke leaning on the chair.

"Guys, lets go home. I'll drive you both. Let uncle come by himself in his car." Aashna spoke up.

I walked up to dad and told him that we were leaving.

"Unnati darling, where have you been? Manav kept asking for you." Mrs Chhabra spoke to me on my way back. I didn't know what to say to her.

"Umm Mrs Chhabra, I-" I was cut off...

"Unnati?" I froze when I heard his stern voice.

"Where have you been?" He held my arm and turned me around.

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