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I'm currently at my office waiting for my father so we can proceed to the meeting room together but for some reasons I feel extra nervous today I've been walking back and forth and side to side since I got here, trying to ease myself I decide to drink water so I marched towards the table and drank water but as soon as I finished drinking my water someone knock on the door and my father went in and walks towards me.

"Are the presentation ready?" he asked while he scans me with his eyes he frowns noticing that I was uneasy, I quickly avoided his stare. "Uhm, yeah they prepared it earlier and yesterday, also some of the directors are there" I quickly said.

"I haven't able to tell you or maybe you knew but the architect from states is coming today" he said making me confused. "From states? I though we are going for local?" I questioned and he look shooked at my question.

"They are local but they are based on states, majority of the board highly recommend them so we can't do anything" he explained while I nod. "Oh, okay so these designs are the sample from them? I received that yesterday" I quickly grab the file that was on desk and pass to him.

"You received the design but you aren't aware that there from states?" he ask. "I though they we're base here" I reason out but my dad look disappointed I don't know what to said so I keep quite while he review the design, thankfully my secretary went inside and inform us that the architect have arrived and all the BOD(Board of Directors) are there, my Dad went out and and I followed him towards the meeting room.

We enters the room but suddenly he stops as if someone cast some frozing spell on him and he coldy stare at the person in front of him, I was confused why my Dad reacted that way so I move to the side and looked at the person that made him act that way. I was also shooked and happy as I stare at her since it's been so long she still look the same but somehow more stronger, looking at her made me also feel scared.

"Unnie?" I wispered, when our eyes met she gave me a cold look and quickly transfer to her gaze towards her front, her actions are making me feel confused. "Hi I'm Architect Kwon Sera the representative from states" She said looking at Dad and a small smirk was displayed on her face, Dad's face was so sour that made me quite concern as the people inside the room can totally read his facial expression, she offered a hand shake but Dad looked at her hand not wanting to take it while she was enjoying Dad's reaction,  I looked around and notice the people looking at us confused, so I decided to step in and grab her hand and introduce myself instead.

"I'm Oh Yoon hee the director and I'm also the person in charge on this project" I smiled as I introduce myself. "A pleasure meeting you" She plainly reply and put a small smile.

"Let's all sit down so we can start" I said to break the tension between her and Dad, She agreed while Dad didn't say anything and walk towards his seat. Then meeting starts begins.

The meeting went well but some of the board of director are confused why my dad was so silent the entire meeting, usually Dad ask a lot of questions, but today he didn't, as the meeting ended he went out without saying a word, I was the one who apologize on the half of him and made an excuse that maybe he was not feeling well, they seems to believe so they my lie and they left the meeting room while I waited for them to go out because I wanted to talk to her, I slowly organize the papers but she suddenly got up ready to go out so I quickly put the papers inside the folder and got up and quickly walked towards her.

"Unnie... It's been a long time" I stated as I was already in front of her not quite sure what to say. "Yeah, its been so long" She replied and looked at me while smiling bitterly. "Unnie I'm really sorry for what happen" I looked at the floor not having courage to looked at her because of embarrassment while hands are tied with each other.

"Why are you saying sorry it was your parents, not you and you didn't have any choice back then" Unnie replied and grab my hands and I looked at her. "You did well, you survived up until now knowing your parents" she said. I was about to ask her how did she end up to be our Architect but her phone rings and she had to leave because of that phone call. I made my way to my office disappointed.

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