4. Dignity

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"Yeah, you." Devin stated nonchalantly. I froze.


"I wouldn't have a chance with you because you are in a relationship. Same as the person I'm interested in." Devin clarified. I visibly relaxed.

" Why did you have to explain it like that?" I exclaimed.

"Like what?"

"Why'd you say 'yeah, you'. I almost had a heart attack." I accused

"What, did you think I was interested in you for a second or something?" He scoffed.

I didn't reply, deciding I was temporarily ignoring him and turned away to pay attention to the spin the bottle game taking place, occasionally sipping from the drink I was holding. It was probably my fourth or fifth cup, I had lost count.

"Do you even have enough rooms for all these people to have sex?" I asked before remembering I was supposed to be ignoring him. "Wait no, don't answer that, I'm ignoring you." My words were becoming slightly slurred.

Devin laughed at my pettiness. "You're drunk." He stated, pointing out the obvious.

"Nah, really, Sherlock?" I replied sarcastically. My friends always told me I was a really sarcastic drunk.

"Come on, let's find Kaden and get you guys home."

"He's probably busy having sex with some chick." I paused, remembering Kaden was bisexual. "Or dick."

"Then I'll take you home. Your mum should be home by now right?"

"Dude you can't leave your own party. I'll go home myself."

"No, that's not safe. Nobody will even notice if I'm gone for a while."

"Didn't realise I was a girl." I responded sarcastically; as I said, sarcastic drunk. "I think that guy is peeing in your fish tank."

Devin swung around so fast, I was almost scared he would get whiplash.

"Nobody is anywhere near the fish tank." He accused once he turned back around, after establishing that nobody had peed in his fish tank.

"Yet. What if you leave to take me home and somebody decides they want to empty their fluids with your fishies." I reasoned. Devin sighed.

"Fine. I'll just take you up to my room then. Text your mum and tell her you and Kaden are staying at mine for the night. I don't know where Kaden is but I doubt he's going home tonight."

"Or you could just let me go home myself because I'm not a girl." I pointed out.

"No, you're drunk. Come on. My room. Stop arguing." He said decisively.

"Okay, boss." I complied sarcastically. I followed him upstairs to his room where he pulled out a key from his pocket to unlock it.

"Do you lock all the rooms?" I queried.

"Nope, only mine, my parents' and my step-sister's. The rest are guest bedrooms."

Once he had unlocked the door, I walked in and immediately flopped onto the bed, drained of energy. Devin's room did not look like I expected. While the rest of his house had white walls and white furniture, giving the house an elegant rich look, Devin's room were a darkish grey and most of his furniture was black. It was the only room I had seen in the house which actually felt real. The rest of his house had felt somewhat staged.

"You can leave now. Go back to your party." Devin had shut the door and was leaning against it, watching me as I examined his room.

"No, I think I'll stay here." He informed.

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