Chapter 6- Control

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"It's okay, sweetie," Fairy Godmother assured me. "I fixed it. No one remembers your incident."

"It's not okay. It's not okay," I insisted. "FG, I need to get rid of this. Now."

"(Y/n), you have to remember some kids are like you. Audrey will be affected by Maleficent's magic once she grows into it. Tiana's daughter, she's going to have shadow cards one day. Cinderella's daughter is affected by my magic. That's why I formed MCG. To help you and others like you."


I was watching Tourney practice. It was the only way I could keep my mind off things. I smiled when Jay scored. The cheerleaders cheered, and my clapping joined in with the mix. Jay looked over and smiled.

"Get out of here," Coach said.

The team cheered, and some ran off to the locker rooms. Jay ran over to me, making me set down my phone.

"You like watching us, huh?" Jay asked.

"Yeah. It's entertaining. Especially when you and Chad are captains. Chad never wins," I explained.

"Catch." I quickly caught the ball Jay threw at me. I glared at him, but sent it back. He walked down to the field. I followed him, curious. He handed me a stick. We passed the ball to each other. I shot it at the goal, making Jay grin.

"You're better than most of the team," Jay mumbled.

I blushed. Jay walked up to me, his half-gloved hands fidgeting with the bottom of his shirt. "I've been meaning to ask you, but I was afraid to ask at Family Day." He took a deep breath. "Would you like to go to the coronation with me?"

My cheeks felt hot. My heart was pounding. I had a crush on my parent's enemy's son. But it disappeared when I looked at him. I saw a boy who was trying to find himself and enjoy his life.



"You're happier than usual today," FG noticed.

"Well, I have a date to the coronation," I said as I made pillows circle around me.

"Yes. I saw you two on the field. I'm happy someone makes you happy," Fairy Godmother said.

"Stay focused, (Y/n)," Jordan warned.

I smiled, letting the pillows fall out of line. They danced in sync, following the commands of my hands. Jordan and Fairy Godmother grinned.

"I can balance good and evil at my will," I said confidently. Mochi turned into my scepter, and my outfit turned red. "But when I'm in control, it will always be good."

I turned back, Mochi wrapping around my foot. I felt powerful and in control. Jordan walked up to me.

"How do you feel?" Jordan asked.

"I'm finally getting used to this," I answered, the blue magic fading around my fingers.

"State your name proudly," Fairy Godmother said.

I smiled. "I am Princess (Y/n), heir to the throne of Agrabah. I am a participant in the Magical Control Group, and I will balance good and evil to my control."

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