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“The moon shines brighter than the last time. It's my first time to see it.” Dahyun said as she looked up to the moon. The tribe people were surprised when they saw the moon shining and it's the first time that happen in many years.

“There's only one thing that happened it's either because of Chaeyoung being the new leader or there are someone who fulfilled their mission and that is to confess or be love by someone.” Jihyo said while staring at the moon too.

“I think, I already know who is it.” Tzuyu said as a smirk form on her lips.

Meanwhile, back in the mountains, Mina was the first one who broke the kiss with a string of saliva as they pulled away. She rested her forehead against Chaeyoung's who was still closing her eyes.

“If this is a dream, I don't want to wake up anymore.” Chaeyoung said before opening her eyes, meeting Mina's eyes.

Mina chuckled as she place her hand on the girl's cheeks, caressing it while staring at the girl with her eyes filled with love.

“Can you say it again? I still can't believe what just happened.” Mina giggle and gladly nodded.

“I love you,” She pinch her cheeks, “My abunjing bunjing baby Chaeyoung~” The small girl smiled.

“Thanks.” Mina was surprised at her response, Chaeyoung said what she always says whenever the small girl tell her how much she loves her.

Chaeyoung snickered and laugh at Mina's priceless reaction, “Jerk.” Mina went to the bench swing and sat there before Chaeyoung sat next to her.

“Alright, I'm sorry. You don't know how long I waited to say that back to you.”

Mina sneakily slid her hand to Chaeyoung's hand before resting her head on the girl's shoulder, “My home.” She whispered and sighed in relieved.

Chaeyoung lift up their hand and kissed the back of Mina's hand which made the girl looked at her, “I was supposed to give this to you earlier but wasn't able to do so...” She took something from her pocket.

“This was my grandfather's gift to my grandmother when they got married,” She turned her body to Mina.

It was a ring, not just any ring. It was a wreath crown turn into a ring, same with Chaeyoung's crown. There was a small diamond attached to it, “This ring was made by the first rulers of Luna, Sol and Lux's blood.” She gently held Mina's hand.

“Once it was slide into your finger, it will start glowing that shows that the person you love was safe, and alive. If it stop glowing...” Mina furrowed her eyebrows.

“Means, you're no longer alive?” Chaeyoung chuckled, “That won't happen, I planned to live a thousand years with you.” She confidently replied.

Chaeyoung slowly slid the ring on Mina's ring finger, as soon as it reached the end, it starts to glow. “Thank god, it fits you right.” She sighed in relieved.

“I would spend all my money just to have this kind of ring.” Mina said while staring at the ring on her finger.

“How rich are you, anyway?”

Mina held her chin and spoke, “I have unlimited money on my credit card, I'll be the youngest billionaire once I took over my father's company. I could buy anything in just a snap.” She looked at the girl who's looking at her confusedly.

UNEXPECTEDLY YOURS (Asymptotes series #1) Where stories live. Discover now