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I saw Jeongyeon and Chaeyoung staring like they're about to kill each other. I followed the girl because i can feel that she's about to break down.

I found her on the river but my eyebrows furrowed when a girl walked to her and when Chaeyoung faced her, she wipe the tears.

I feel a big pang to my chest like it's ripping my heart, the smile of her makes it hurt more.

I can't hear what they're saying but i can sense that the sadness turned into happiness when Chaeyoung saw the girl.

Why do i feel like she's a threat?

"Mina?" I looked behind me and Jihyo was looking at me. "Chaeyoung won't be much pay attention to you now since Somi is back." My ears perked up when she said that.

"Back? Is she---"

"Yeah, Chaeyoung's first love. Yeah, she is..." She smirks "This will be fun." I rolled my eyes and walked passed her.

Jihyo has been confusing me with her words and it's freaking annoying. I saw Jeongyeon busy talking with the other guards.

I smiled when she looked at me, she walked towards me and her expression changed into a worried one.

"Are you okay? You look like about to kill someone." She said making me chuckled.

"Shouldn't you be patrolling around?" I said calmly and i remember something "Did you confess? Of course, you did." I teased but her smile faded.

"It didn't turn out well." I tilted my head and looked at her confusedly. "I think, she already like someone."

"Huh? She likes you!" I said and hold her wrist. "And plus, you won't know unless you confess."

As I pull her, She suddenly pulled me and put her hand at the back of my head and my eyes widen when i felt her lips on mine.

Without me knowing, I slowly kissed back because her lips is so addicting. I slowly wrapped my arms around her neck and she deepens the kiss.

UNEXPECTEDLY YOURS (Asymptotes series #1) Where stories live. Discover now