Part III: Acts of a Monster

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For hours it seemed, he walked to what felt like deep woods. He used a shovel and buried them. All except for a small pistol and a few magazines. All of this was strange. He didn't know who killed his parents or why. Scarily, he knew exactly what to do. His sadness and anger drove him.

Unleash his anger on everyone. That was his plan. Death and destruction. This was his birthday. He was 17. He didn't need or want presents. His present would be curing people of life.

He had been laughing. For hours he laughed. It hid his sadness of his parents, whom he forgot about after his "Job" of getting rid of the weapons. Tomorrow he would make his move.

Friday morning, quite a beautiful day. Carter once again stood on the brick of the bus stop with a gasoline tank. His eyes were like that of a monster and his smile, demonic. He climbed on the bus, chuckling.

"What's your problem?" said the bus driver

"All you people!" screamed Carter "That's my problem!" and the gun came out. Bang! The driver. Bang! Bang! Bang! Soon everyone on the bus was gone on the bus except for myself, the madman, and Abigail. "You guys die in an extra fun and special way!"

We drove and drove and drove. The woods. I knew this was the end.

"Bye bye," he said. He locked the bus, poured the gas next to the bus and lit it. Fire. That's all I remember. Fire.

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