Chapter 1 - An Innocent Thought

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This story is of an innocent boy who was unaware of this world and the way it worked but he had faith in his dream, a dream which the world did not approved, a dream which was "impossible" and "ridiculous" for this world, this is the story of a boy who believed in himself and not what other people thought or said, this is the story of Jeremy Stephens.

Jeremy opened the shop door and came inside; inside the shop it was warmer than the outside's cold January wind, the shopkeeper smiled and said in a polite tone "Hey there little one what can I do for you?" seeing his warm smile the little boy smiled too and came close the shopkeeper and said "I am here to buy something" the shopkeeper said politely "What do you want to buy little guy?" the little boy placed his hands in his pocket and took out $10 and said "I only have $10 for now will you accept it Sir and give me what I want" the shopkeeper looked at the little hands which were holding $10 and were shaking from the cold of outside he accepted it and asked "So what is that you want to buy kiddo, maybe a candy bar or some chocolates" the little boy shook his head and said

"How much is the Sky for?"

The shopkeeper gave the gesture of not understanding correctly and said "Pardon, I think I did not hear you correctly, could you please repeat it for me" but when the boy asked it again "How much is the sky for?" it was clear either the shopkeeper was losing his mind or his ears had started hearing things, the shopkeeper started laughing nervously and asked "Just to be clear, you did not asked to buy the SKY Right?" the boy with a small smile said "Yes Sir I wanted to buy the Sky and you can keep the change from the $10 if you want to J" the shopkeeper stood still for a few seconds and the said with a warm and polite smile "I am sorry Kid but I do not sell the sky, no one does, the sky belongs to everyone on the planet" and with that he handed over the $10 to the boy but it didn't mattered what the man said Jeremy's heart was fixated on getting the sky for himself and so he asked the shopkeeper again "Is it because I do not have enough money right now, is that the reason you are not giving the sky to me" the man said "It is not that little one, I do not sell the sky no one can because it belongs to everyone on earth, I do not think it is possible for anyone to claim the sky for himself/herself." But with curiosity inside the man he asked the boy "Why is that you want to buy the sky for yourself, is it because you want the stars or moon to be yours only?" the boy again shook his head and said "If I wanted to buy the stars and moon I would have asked for them but I asked for the sky because If have the sky I can get the sun in the morning and stars and the moon in the night not only that but I can enjoy the clouds also which float at mountain heights, that way I can enjoy all of them".

The shopkeeper found it extraordinary as he never thought that in his life someone would come to him to buy the enormous Sky, he knew that the boy had dared to dream something other people never thought was even possible not only that but the boy had a spark in his eyes which determined how passionate he was, with this little Jeremy again placed the $10 in his pocket and started walking towards the exit but when he was about to open the door he heard the voice of the shopkeeper from behind he asked "What will you do little one, to get the sky for yourself" Jeremy turned around and said something and what he said confirmed to that shopkeeper that this boy will claim the sky for himself one day no matter what, the boy said with a free spirit and full of confidence" There is always an answer, there must be one for my question too and I will find it." With this Jeremy opened the door cold wind rushing down his face and his blond hair when he was getting out of the shop he knew in his heart that he did not tell the real reason of why he wanted to buy the Sky but he did not regret the decision of not telling the shopkeeper as he knew that the adults would never understand the reason.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2022 ⏰

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