There's an apocalypse?

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Tiredly, Mysie rubbed her eyes. She had been awake most of the night watching zombie movies; it was her first full day in Spain. Her parents had insisted that they all needed a break and that Spain would be the perfect place to go. And so now they were there. Mysie didn’t like it much. She couldn’t really understand the language and the country was just too hot for her liking. Sluggishly she made her way to the shower to take a nice cold shower after the warm night. 

After her shower Mysie felt very refreshed and now wore a shirt and leggings. She made her way to the living room and surprisingly saw both her parents staring at the TV. In large writing she saw the words “BREAKING NEWS” Mysie simply shrugged and moved to the kitchen where she looked in the fridge and picked out a cheese sandwich from the day before and started eating. She sleepily zoned out but zoned back in when she heard someone on the TV talk about an outbreak of some sort. Her interest peaked and she made her way back into the living room standing in the doorway continuing to eat her sandwich. On the screen was a video of what looked like zombies attacking people, it was being explained but it was too sciencey for Mysie to understand. All she knew was there was an outbreak of something called mutation A in Portugal and that it was quickly spreading. 

Mysie shrugged it off. It probably would affect her so it didn’t really matter she didn’t even know where Portugal was; it was probably super far away. Her parents on the other hand panicked and told Mysie to pack her things they were leaving. Mysie didn't understand Portugal couldn’t be that close. It seemed the news reporter answered her question “there will be an evacuation of nearby areas around the border of Spain and Portugal. The mutation is spreading fast and can’t be controlled.” The woman spoke her voice clearly, showing it was a very serious matter. 

Mysie went back to her room and grabbed the bag her Uncle had forced her to take everywhere with her, which she was now glad he did, and packed a few personal things before leaving the room and following her parents. Unfortunately the small family didn’t have a car and so had to walk. Each of them had their safety bags from their Uncle so Mysie knew they would be okay, her Uncle had made sure they all knew everything they needed in case something like this happened and made sure they knew how to fight. He had always explained that he could feel something bad would happen and that there would be something breaking out of a lab and so his family must be able to survive anything. The family of three made their way to the airport but there were so many people and Mysie felt that she couldn’t hold onto her father’s hand much longer.

Everything happened so suddenly. There was a scream and people started running. Mysie couldn’t keep up. Her hand was no longer in her father’s rough hand and she was almost being pushed onto the ground by people. She distantly heard her parents scream her name. But it was too late. They had been carried away by the wave of people. Mysie stumbled into a sidestreet to her right; she knew she wouldn’t be able to run through the wave of adults, she would only be trampled. 

Mysie thought about waiting out the wave of people but remembered the screams and decided against seeing whatever had scared them. And so Mysie decided to try and find another way to the airport. She walked down the sidestreet, which still had quite a few people travelling down it but not nearly as much as the main street. Everyone was very panicked but Mysie was simply tired from both the jetlag and staying up all night. She just wanted to go home and sleep in her cold room. Luckily she still had her safety bag and so just in case she brought out her pocket knife and kept it in her hand. 

Walking past a TV shop she heard the news lady once again. “It seems like the airports are being closed and all airports will be put on lockdown when they are full. Scientists have also decided on dubbing these zombie-like beings as rabid ones.” That’s all that Mysie could understand. And that’s when she knew even if she tried as best as she could she wouldn’t be able to get into the airport. But she may be able to at least see her parents off. And with that thought she started to speed up and make her way to the airport. She made many twists and turns as she followed the echoes of the shouts of annoyed people. It wasn’t long before the airport was in view. 

Alone in the Apocalypse: SolitaryWhere stories live. Discover now