What the plants doing?

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Mysie woke up early the next morning. She rubbed her eyes as she let out a tired yawn before stretching, hearing small cracks and clicks from her joints. Mysie looked over to her right to see Gerold and Jerry giving her puppy eyes. She gave them each a little pat before fishing out a can of dog food out of her backpack. Opening the can the smell filled the air and she emptied the can onto the floor for the two to eat. Gerold and Jerry happily dug into the food as Mysie watched. “Were you both this big yesterday?” Mysie spoke under her breath as she looked at the two pups who seemed to be bigger than what she remembered from the day before. She shrugged it off, just guessing it was normal growth for a dog. 

Mysie moved out from behind the clothes and looked around. The shop seemed to be the exact same as the night before minus the blood red mist outside. Mysie was about to go back behind the clothes when she did a double take. She walked over to the window to see mist that was a deep crimson colour. It left spots of blood across the glass pane. When she looked closely Mysie could see things moving within the thick mist. She decided that it would probably be best to stay inside until the mist passed or until she found a way to see in the blood mist. Mysie moved back to where her two pups were and sat down. Mysie emptied all her bags and a small notebook and started to count all of her resources. She had a few hours to spare. 

“How did a few hours turn into a week?! I swear if this dumb mist isn’t over when I go look I.. I don’t know what I’ll do.. But I’ll do something!” Mysie shouted in rage. Not only was she running low on supplies but she was also bored. She was not used to having nothing to do for a couple of days no matter a week. Mysie was ready to go outside even if that meant having to go through the mist. Mysie walked over to the window and opened the temporary curtain to see that the mist still remained almost as if mocking the child. Mysie was tempted to throw something but realised that wouldn’t be a great idea and so instead stomped her foot and then stomped away. Mysie went back to her sleeping area and grabbed an empty bag, she was going out for resources even in the Mist. “Dumb mist why don’t you just leave?!” Mysie spoke angrily as she walked to the door, bag in hand. Before leaving Mysie snatched a black shawl that she had found when cleaning the shop up a bit. She threw on the clothing before moving the wooden chair away from the door and harshly pushing it open grumbling to herself as she walked out shutting the door behind her. 

As soon as she walked into the mist Mysie noticed it was slightly easier to see but her vision was tinted crimson. Looking around Mysie could see a few wandering garglers, it seemed like they were unable to see in the mist. Mysie kept her eye on one that was nearest to her. She had forgotten how disgusting the garglers were. This one seemed to be almost shedding its skin as chunks of skin were missing. Mysie started to walk to find a place where she could get some resources while being in little danger. While looking out for danger Mysie didn’t pay much attention to where she was walking, she was too busy cursing out the mist, but she knew she made her mistake as she felt something clamp onto her ankle. 

Looking down, Mysie saw a large flower clamped onto her leg and noticed she was being brought higher into the air. Below her was a flytrap-like plant but it was at least a few stories tall, she did not remember seeing these plants before, one of the large mouth-like traps moved close to her face. The trap was closed as it seemed to sniff her. Mysie watched as liquid fell from between the plant’s teeth when the liquid touched the ground it made a loud hissing noise and she could see the liquid fall onto the gargler she was watching earlier. It wasn't long until the gargler had become a dark sludge on the ground, foaming slightly. Mysie took a shaky breath thinking that this would be how she died but seconds later the plant threw her away and she landed in a nearby dumpster. The plant on the other hand sunk back into the ground. Mysie stayed in the dumpster for a few minutes trying to comprehend what had just happened. “The movies never said anything about huge gargler destroying, human flinging plants! Where did that thing come from?” Mysie spoke loudly and was now more annoyed.

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