3. Missed you

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After the events of the last part, you and Hotch enter a certain type of relationship which seems to change when he is away in a case. He calls you to talk for the first time, and weeks later you reunite again.


 (title by the song by the weeknd :/ - the other man i thirst over lmaoo

TW: smut (+18), multiple o-s, phone sex, mutual pining, hotch pines sm in this, JEALOUS hotch, hotch is GREAt at dirty talking if i do say so myself, praise king, slight degradation kink


"What are you wearing?" Hotch had asked.

Usually when he calls it's short and informative – to relay you for a change in your meetup or how far he is from arriving. It's never for chatter – not that you minded, not when it was better face to face. It was something you had both agreed on some time between him booking expensive hotel rooms, and him surprising you at your place of work.

So when Aaron Hotchner's name pops up on a late evening, after you've just finished making dinner, you expect some kind of emergency.

"Hello?", you answer in a hurry, disregarding the look your husband casts at you from the living room.

Aaron takes you by surprise by exhaling softly into the phone, almost in relief. He says your name in that same way, and your skin fizzles with electricity, just like it did last time he made you moan out his name.

"Are you still at the office?"

You pick on your hair with your free hand, wanting to have something to do when his voice sounds like that: raspy, heavy, male, like him, and thick with desire.

Your cheeks flush right away. Everything concerning him doesn't take too long to work, in fact. A text message by him with an address is enough to send your mind reeling these days. Let alone his voice.

"No" your own is faint, "No, I was just about to have dinner. You?"

Suddenly you want him here, or to say something absurd like he's right outside. Or he's watching the lights of your kitchen from the parking lot, and had hoped you had time for him. Or that he misses you.

The latter is the most devastating thing you can imagine.

"No", he chuckles breathily, "It's early here and just got back to the hotel"

"Oh" you deflate, trying to hide the disappointment from your voice, "you're out of state"

You move away from the window, only now realizing your feet had taken you there, to confirm that fantasy.

"Yes" Hotch says, "Somewhere warm. I'm restless"

The air changes as if with a click with his last words. Somehow, you are able to anticipate his thoughts and where they lead, and like Pavlov's dog, your mouth waters once he speaks quietly:

"What are you wearing?"

You hold a breath while you slip inside your bathroom and lock the door behind you. The infliction of his voice, the soft grumble of it and the playful lilt have the back of your neck already prickling with sweat.

"What am I wearing?" you ask again, meaning for it to be lighthearted. "Is that really what you're asking right now?"

Hotch sighs from the other line, and you hear him sit down somewhere soft, stuff moving along with him like pillows or bed covers. The bed is enough to make your breath quiver.

A Man and a Woman Miniseries (Hotch x Reader) ✅✅Where stories live. Discover now