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Hey guys, welcome to the Stoker Edition of my HTTYD series! This story will be a Dagur the Deranged x Reader. It will be a Love/Hate, Slow Burn Romance. The story will be the same expect for the dragon you choose.

The dragons available in this story are:

- Fireworm/Fireworm Queen
- Flame Whipper
- Gobsucker
- Hobblegrunt
- Large Shadow Wing
- Monstrous Nightmare
- Night Terror
- Silver Phantom
- Singetail
- Small Shadow Wing
- Terrible Terror
- Threadtail
- Typhoomerang
- Fire Fury
- Hideous Heatwing

One question for you guys, do you want me to start the story during the first movie, or after the movie?

HTTYD: Choose Your Own Adventure: Stoker Edition (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now