Plan B

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I've had a strange feeling recently.
I think I'm going to die soon.
Even though I'm perfectly fine,
I shouldn't even be thinking these things...

It makes me wonder though,
who would show up at my headstone?
I have two;
the one who killed me, and the one who loved me most.

It's been a few hours since I said it out loud.
I made up a plan that I hope you'll follow:
1) leave me a letter every time you visit.
I want to read it when you can't see me.

2) Bury me in hydrangeas,
I always thought they meant something bad.
3) Get over me, please.
Life is not over when a human dies. It only leads to tears and memory.

4) (and I'm pressing you on this)
It's too much to ask,
Too much to take too,
But don't forget me.

Even if I didn't leave an imprint on the world,
I'm sure I've scattered it on those whom I appreciate.
Tell my sister not to kill herself,
She's getting my clothes so they don't go to waste.

Even though I still feel weak,
It won't happen, this is just plan B.

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