The Glass

463 12 15

Tw: Death, blood, descriptions of drowing

Ranboo Pov


"I don't know" I said quietly "I don't know I don't know..."


"I don't remember any of it I don't know what I did and what I didn't do-"

"Oh don't try any of that memory shit on me again. I remember you were a traitor back when the community house was blown up.

"I wanted to execute you on the spot. But NOO, Ranboo probably has MEMORY PROBLEMS and DOESN'T KNOW WHICH SIDE HE'S ON and blah blah BLAAAH. Well guess what Ranboo, there's no one to stop me from executing you now. No one to defend you."


Thud. Thud. Thud. My fists pounded against the glass. They ached like crazy, and my knuckles were definitely bruised. I had to be whacking at the glass wall for at least fifteen minutes. I punched with all my might and instead of shattering, a large piece of glass popped cleanly out.

I stepped out, and looked around. The only way out was to break down the iron door. Although my knuckles screamed at me to stop, I began punching at the door.

Thud. Thud. Thud.

I paused. I heard footsteps, slowly approaching. I hesitated, and then climbed back into the other side of the glass. I carefully placed the piece of glass back where it popped out.

I stared hopelessly at the iron door as it swung open. I will never escape. I will never be able to leave.


I stared up at the ceiling, the water dripping down and hitting my face. It barely hurt anymore. Quackity was yelling at me, but I couldn't care less.

"He's not going to say anything Quackity, he's been like that for days." I forgot Sam was even in here. He usually didn't say much.

"Well what the fuck do you want me to do?" Sam didn't say anything.

Swearing, Quackity punched some sort of button.

I lay there, as water slowly crept up to my face. Quackity was going to to drown me. He wanted to get rid of me.

The water splashed, rising over my head and filling the room. My vision went blurry. I was going to die, lying in an obsidian room. It was pathetic. I missed Tubbo, I just wanted to see him again. But if I saw him again, I would just hurt him, wouldn't I?

I heard the distant voices of Quackity and Sam, saying the glass was leaking or something. It must have been the piece of glass I broke out, when was it? A week ago? It felt so long ago.

I could push the piece out and get out, but why should I? Dream would control me, I would just hurt more people. I felt a squeezing pain in my chest, and my head spun. My brain was screaming for air.

My heart pounded. I would never see Techno again, Phil again, Micheal again. I cried, I didn't want to die. But what would I do if I was free?

I could tell Tubbo the truth, but would he forgive me? I closed my eyes. I had to tell him. Maybe he wouldn't ever forgive, but he had to know. Maybe he could put an end to all of this.

I threw myself against the glass wall, the piece of glass popping out and shattering. The water rushed out, and I tumbled through the hole, shards of glass cutting my skin.

Quackity and Sam were yelling, my heart was pounding, I felt like I was in a trance. I threw myself at the two, not really sure what to do. For some reason, Sam didn't put up much of a fight, and I threw him against the wall.

Quackity grabbed me, pushing me towards the ground. I tried to get away, but he held on to be. Adrenaline was running threw my body, I was sure I was going to die. I grabbed at his jacket, trying to do something, anything, to survive. A pickaxe fell out.

I grabbed the pickaxe, and for a moment Quackity froze. I stumbled to my feet, and lifted the pickaxe in the air.


I closed my eyes and swung down.

For a moment, everything was still. Trembling, I opened my eyes, and looked down. Blood was everywhere.

I stumbled backwards, and fell down, leaning my head against the glass. I just killed him I killed him I killed him I killed him I killed him I killed him...

Tears ran down my cheeks. I should have just died, why didn't I just die? I curled up into a ball, my heart still pounding. I sat there, crying, until my heartbeat began to slow down. I slowly opened my eyes, and trying not to look at the pool of blood on the ground, pulled myself to my feet. Maybe I could make things right.

Tubbo Pov

It was starting to get dark. I walked along the Prime path, not wanting to go back home. Ranboo had been gone for weeks, and I knew I had to tell Micheal eventually that his father wasn't coming back. My stomach twisted at the thought, but I continued walking.

I saw a figure in the distance. That was weird, most people were asleep by now. I continued to walk, but the person was getting closer. I stared at them, they were quite tall. Could it be...?

I ran up to them, and stared up at Ranboo. I threw myself at him, and wrapped my arms around him. I stood there, for who knows long, leaning my head into his chest. Eventually I looked up at him, and his face was covered in burns, his eyes were wide and tired, and he was rather skinny.

"Ranboo... what happened?"

Ranboo stayed silent for a moment, and then looked at me. "Tuboo... I have to tell you something."

That's the end of the fanfic! I know it isn't the best piece of literature in the world, but I hope you enjoyed it :D I fried several braincells writing this.

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