The Mask Of Love

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-I'll tell you a story that happened long time ago where everything was so different _ she would say to us, her grandchildren on a sunny summer afternoon in a beautiful town house like almost to a small portion of paradise on earth as I could see as the sun played with the clouds to hide from me.

So my grandmother began with the story:

_Start something like that...Ellie was the most beautiful girls you've known in all many aspects, but had a small problem with herself, that she was always troubled because she did not have enough money to buy clothes, cell phones, cars and especially live in a mansion like this.

For this reason she was always thinking how it would have been if she had married with a person that had a higher economic position and not with her current husband, she really considered him was a mediocre (because he had any ambition to be someone important) and especially an idiot had not realized that she did not really loved.

She was tired of living like that (she was really young) because every day was the same without any change, since not had enough economic resources was unable to travel around the world. In addition the salary of her husband reached to have a comfortable but not luxurious life. So the only time that she left his small house was when her husband saved money to take her to dinner at a restaurant or watch a movie and it was once or twice a year. Because she did not want to lose her figure chose not to have children in a long time, but actually it was because she wanted to continue taking the few luxuries that came to have.

Well actually her husband was a young man like she, he was working as a public servant in a police station taking emergency calls. For his eyes I could say that he really loved her with all the heart, therefore, that it would give his own life so she was well and had no problem in her life. He was not happy because he was always worried about paying bills and to give his dear wife a little fancy or surprises, because he thought she could someday leave him without a trace.

Christmas is approaching and in his work was cordially invited to a Christmas dinner with all employees and their families:

So when he reached home, he taught to his dear wife the invitation he had received from his bosses at a Christmas dinner. But instead of getting happy, she began to cry in an uncontrollable manner without any explanation.

Her husband asked her why she was crying and she could not respond until stop cried a little and she answered that she did not have a fancy dress to wear for that special occasion.

So her husband put a face of horror at seeing his wife crying and e occurred a bright and said: _ and if you ask help your sister? And she answered: _ what you want me to ask for a dress? I'm not crazy to ask better buy me a new one in a downtown boutique.

For this reason her husband came to sacrifice saving money that he had saved for a trip to the beach and gave it full. The next day she was very happy for the first time had more money as never in his life had been and was the first boutique downtown where I saw a beautiful blue dress with a price of $ 18,000 (precisely the exact money that her husband had given); after wear that beautiful dress came to give decision to buy it.

Therefore her husband came to sacrifice saving money I had saved for a trip to the beach and gave it full. The next day it very happy for the first time had more money as never in his life had been and was the first boutique downtown where she saw a beautiful blue dress with a price of $ 18,000 (precisely the exact money her husband had him given); after wear that beautiful dress came to her decision to buy it.

When she got home, she turned putting the dress and look again at the old wooden mirror which had been badly beaten by time, seeing that something was missing and saw that she really lacked many accessories to look nearly perfect; but for this she ran to the bed to cry for hours until her husband returned home.

He tried to control the tears of his beloved wife to know why these useless tears in her beautiful blue eyes that looked like you could see the reflection of the sea in her eyes and finally he knew it was that they would not to go to that elegant party because it lacked many accessories to have their full outfit and arose again the idea of asking for help from his sister who had married someone with significant business.

Now if she accepts the idea borrow accessories lacked as were the shoes, necklace and a bracelet especially should be as important in your outfit. Then she called his sister from a public phone at a gas station to see her the next day and this happened.

Arriving at the home of her sister recalled how her life so different would and gave a bit of nostalgia for this. Upon entering the large living room near the marble stairs giving straight to the room, she saw her sister with a beautiful floral dress and green lemon shoes, inviting her to pass to the principal room of the mansion to see that she was going to pay for it

Upon reaching that beautiful room she met with a great white closet filled with a lot of shoes, clothes, necklaces, earrings, bracelets, etc. of so many colors that you can imagine. When seeing this she started get so excited to see what could be for that party.

After a while decision about cute shoes navy blue with a handbag of the same color and the most important accessory a beautiful white pearl bracelet, now if she could be happy; but even she get to ask her car with driver to take them to that party that she spoke a lot.

Finally came the day after so much trouble. She began to wear the dress and groom as he had predicted and her husband with a simple black suit with a red tie Aug worn by everyday use. Without realizing the car driver had come to the house to take them to that party.

Arriving at the mansion she was the sensation of the moment, even all the gentlemen who attended, wanted to know all about it; her husband fell asleep in the car with the driver and until 4 am she came running because chasing a man walked by all the rooms of the house.

Arriving at the mansion she was the sensation of the moment, even all the gentlemen who attended, wanted to know all about it; her husband fell asleep in the car with the driver and until 4 am she came running because chasing a man walked by all the rooms of the house.

Unaware during the course of the journey to his home was lost the bracelet white pearl, creating a chaos in the young couple to see how they could do to solve this problem that she had caused by careless.

At the end look everywhere this bracelet decided I'd better buy another bracelet almost equal to the original; but after looking at all the jewelry in New York in only one find a more or less like the original amounting to a value of $ 24,000 dollars (although her husband recently had received an inheritance of about $ 10,000 dollars by their only brother without family will inherit) so the rest was paid for with money borrowed from lenders and finally bought the bracelet.

No matter how strove to avoid punishment, her sister realized it was an imitation of the original and denounce the police without remorse that is what could cause to her family. This problem came in several newspapers of socialite and causing a big stir among people of high social class.

The judges passed sentence them to stay for 20 years in jail without bail on charges of fraud (as they still owed to lenders), breach of trust and theft. For 20 years she was doomed to follow in that horrible prison without color and only his only hope was to see again her husband; but a year before leaving the jail, her husband get sick and died without seeing her again back of a massive heart attack.

Walk out to that little hell he realized that she had wasted her life by trying to be someone who was not actually get to generate as many problems and even third lives were affected by her greed.

Later she returned to find a new love, in a simple and gentlemanly man I love. And they lived happily for the rest of their lives...

-That's all she said as tears came down her beautiful blue eyes that seemed to reflect the sea

-Why are you crying grandmother? Ask the youngest of the grandchildren

And she replied: That girl was me ... that am the story of my life.

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