Having fun with Him

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While the gang has rehearsal, you hangout in Monty's room.

You cuddle up on the couch with your notebook and headphones, drawing to your hearts content.

You don't notice Monty staring at you until your song changes. You look around for your phone and notice him there. You jump at the sight of him.

" Jesus Christ, you scared me!" You locate your phone on the table next to the couch your sitting on.

" How long have you been standing there?"

" Hmm I'd say about 10 minutes." He sits down next to you and grabs your notebook. " Whatca drawing?"

You get flustered and grab the notebook from him.

" Nothing." You shove the notebook into your bag and close it.

" Y/n what is it?" He stands up and stares at me.

" I said it's nothing." I look at my shoes, scared of his response.

" Okay fine." He sits back down on the couch.

You sit down next to him and sigh.

" Do you really want to see it?" You look at him.

" Yes I do. I don't want there to be secrets between us."

" Although I love your intentions, it's not what I normally draw and it's sorta weird."

" I don't care."

" Fine." You pull your notebook back out of your bag, flip to the page you were working on and hand it to him. You look away, embarrassed that your letting him see it.

" Geez." He stares at the page for a second, closes it and stares off into space for a minute.

He hands back the notebook without looking.

" Told you it was weird." You shove it back into my bag.

" No, it's not that I don't like it. It's just that I didn't know you could and or would draw something like that." He blinks and looks back at me.

" Well I did."  You think for a minute, about the drawing. How it captures all of Monty's features and curves.

" Is there anything else you want to show me?" He licks his lips and crosses his hands over his area.

" Mmm. I don't think so."  You smile at him, pretending not to notice him trying to cover himself.

" So, how was rehearsal?" You cross your legs underneath yourself and act naïve.

" Mostly the same as always. Roxy being narcissistic, Chica being bored and Freddy being excited for our next show. Overall I guess it was fine."

" Well that's good." You reach your arm over and run my hand through his mohawk. You watch him react a lot differently from when you normally do this when you guys hangout.

" W-W- What are you doing that for?" He stutters, if he could blush he would be doing so uncontrollably.

" Oh nothing, just thought your hair would feel good in my hands." Your face heats up and you look away for a moment.

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