That's fun

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This chapter contains use of illegal substances.

This is your only warning so don't come yelling at me after you read this chapter.

⚠️ Last Warning⚠️

It had been a few days after your hangout with Freddy and Monty was still not happy with you.

You, Freddy and Monty were hanging out in Monty's room.

You lay on Monty's shoulder, bummed out about being on your period. Freddy pokes your should, causing you to look at him.

Freddy pulls out his pack and offers one to you. You take two and offer one to Monty.

" Woah, since when do you smoke?" Monty asks, putting the cigarette in between his lips.

" I dunno." You reply, as Freddy lights all your cigarettes.

You take a drag and make smoke rings in the air. Monty laughs at you and blows the smoke out his nose.

Freddy tries to one up Monty but fails and ends up laughing the smoke out of his mouth and nose.


You don't know how much time has passed but you end up making out with Monty, leaving Freddy to watch.

" I can leave if y'all wanna fuck or something..." Freddy stands up, walking to the door.

" You can stay." You say, looking at Monty hoping he gets the hint.

Monty growls and shakes his head.

" Only me, that's it." He grumbles,

" Pleaseeeeeee." You put your hands together in mercy.

" No." He grunts,

" What?" Freddy asks, sitting back down.

" Oh it's nothing to be concerned of because it won't ever happen."

" Unless I break up with you." You whisper, getting off of Monty's lap.

" Huh? What was that?" Monty asks curiously,

You turn your head away from him, looking at Freddy standing by the door.

" Thought so." Monty says smuggly, sitting back down.

" Well if it's what I think it is then I'm fine with it."

" Yea I know." Monty crosses his arms, looking away.

The silence closes in on you, making it hard for you to breathe.

" I think I'm just gonna go walk around." You make your way to the door, leaving before anyone can say anything.

You run away from rockstar row before they can come after you.


You walk through the crowds of kids and their parents leaving the daycare. At the end of the hallway, Sun is about to close the doors when you come running towards him.

" No Sun!!" You shout at him. He leaves the doors open for you to come in.

You run in and slump to the floor to catch your breath.

He shuts the door and sits beside you.

" Are you okay, friend?"

" The guys are fighting and putting me in the middle of it." You start crying, pulling your knees to your chest.

Sun wraps his arms around you, pulling you into him.

You cry in his arms for what feels like hours. After you stop crying, you look up at him.

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