Hyunjin was looking for job to help his family, his sister told him about being a maid to a rich person. He didn't agree at first but he couldn't find any other jobs.. so he agreed. He knew it wasn't that good of an idea but he didn't have a choice...
Hyunjin POV: I was sleeping peacefully, well until my little sister started jumping on my bed. I woke up in shock because my bed started shaking, I thought there was an earthquake. "Yeji wtf, get off my bed" I said angrily "if your not waking up I won't get off." She said while continuing jumping, "Ok, ok ugh I'm up. What do you want?" Hyunjin said while getting off of his bed "Pleaseee take me to Ryujins houseee" she said "what? again?? No way" I said while walking to the bathroom "I found a job for you~ but if you don't want it it's fine~" she said with a grin on her face. I stopped walking and turned around "what kind of job is it?" I said while staring directly at her "wellll I'm not telling you unless you take me to ryujins housee" she said while jumping on my bed again "OK OK FINE JUST STOP JUMPING ON MY BED." I screamed, and she just showed her tounge to my face then ran away. I sighed while continuing to go to the bathroom, I took a shower and brushed my teeth, after that I got dressed
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(What hyunjin wore ^)
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(What Yeji wore^) I walked downstairs to see my brother and my sister eating breakfast. Without me? WITHOUT ME?? HOW COULD THEYY. "Wow yall didn't even bother to call me" I said "well you were showering soo I didn't call you" Yeji said while biting her pancake, "Hyung can I borrow your car?" I said, "sure, but for what?" In-yeop said, "I have to take that lil rat to her girlfriends house" I said while smiling, Yeji looked at me and said "W-WHAT? I DONT HAVE A GIRLFRIEND.." I just burst out laughing and in-yeop hyung was just confused but then started smiling. I ate breakfast with them, then I went and grabbed the keys. As we were walking I saw my mom passed out on the couch covered in empty alcohol bottles. "Ew she needs to stop drinking. Our house smells like stupid alcohol ugh" Yeji whined, I only just chuckled at what she said and continued walking to the car. "Where's your girlfriends house again?" I said jokingly "I-I TOLD YOU SHES NOT MY GIRLFRIEND." She said turning red, "Sure ok" I said while giggling, we passed by a really big house and Yeji tapped my shoulder "Oh and btw about that job, if you want to get it, your gonna be a maid" I choked on my saliva and said "WHAT??". "Yeahh, but you will be payed a lot, all my friends worked there or used to, they said the owner of the house is also really attractive" she said grinning, "if you want to go there drop me off at ryujins hosue first then you can go there" she said laughing. We arrived at ryujins house "Byee hyung don't forget about your jobbb!!" She said while running to knock on her "friends" door.
As I was driving home I thought of it again.. "maybe I should go there..? Even tho.. it's weird being a maid.. but Yeji said they paid a lot.. hm I'll try it out ig.." I drived to the big White House there, as I went out of my car and before I knocked on the door, I saw girls wearing maid dress's sweeping the floor. I was shocked because I didn't thought we would have to wear uniforms I thought we just wear what we wanted to, wait.. I won't wear a maid dress.. too right..?
I knocked slowly, then a young lady opened the door. She looked at me up and down and said "how May I help you sir?" She said "o-oh.. I heard they're looking for more maids..?" I said shyly she started laughing and said "Ohh so you want to work here ay?" I nodded and she called the owner.. "Sir Felix there's a new person wanting to take the job" and a deep voiced person replied "Sure let her in", "sir.. they're not a girl" she said the boy replied "oh? That's new, let him in" the girl pulled my hand and said "welcome! Make yourself at home!" I was confused at first then she whispered "hey.. you need to be careful with the other maids.. tehy only came here to try and become our boss's lover." She said with a serious face "o-oh.. ok.." I said. "My my why are we whispering here? Are you telling the new maid something I'm not supposed to hear?" A red
headed girl said. "No Iila nothing here is your business." The maid that greeted me said, the red haired- I mean Lila rolled her eyes then walked away, "take my words ok?" She said, I nodded my head. "I'm Jihyo, what about you?" She's really pretty if you think about it.. why would she be a maid.. she looks like a model.. "hello?", "O-Oh! I-I'm Hwang hyunjin.."I said, she giggled and told me to follow her to the back room, "you need to wear this" she said, I looked on what she's holding and I was shocked. I am supposed to wear a MAID DRESS?? "O-oh.. I-is there another option..?" I said, "sorry hyunjin but Sir Felix only lets maids wear these, even if they're boys.. it's the rules" she said with a worried look, I replied "o-oh ok then.." I grabbed the dress and went to the changing room and wore it, I looked into the mirror.. "tbh I look hot" I did a little spin and sighed, then I got out. Jihyo gave me socks and shoes, I mean the shoes are pretty.. but is this necessary..
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I sighed, and put them on. Jihyo laughed and said "you look really cute Hyunjin-ah" I scratched the back of my head and smiled, "Anyways if you want to know your job you can go to our boss's office, it's right over there" she pointed to a room, I smiled "thank you", "Haha no need to thank me!" She said then we both went out, "Get back to work idiot" Lila said to Jihyo "yeah yeha whatever" I walked to the office and knocked on the door, A deep voiced men said "Come in" I opened the door to see a man. I was shocked asf.. "a-are you even human..?" I said
mummbling "what?" He said "o-oh nothing.." "Your really pretty for a boy aren't you?" He started touching my hand, i got scared and pulled my hand.. "Heh.. that's new." He said.. "s-so what's my job..?" I said stuttering because of his beauty.. "to sit here" I was confused and realized he was pointing at his lap. I hiccuped.. "n-no.. sir t-the actual job.." I said, he chuckled and got up his chair. "You can clean the bathroom" he said while grinning "o-oh ok.." As I was gonna open the door he pulled my hand, and putted his hand on my waist. "S-SIR" I said trying to get out of his grip, "don't let anyone touch you." I was confused and just nodded, he letted go of me and I ran out. Jihyo saw me and said "Ooo~ look who's red" with a grin on her face, "s-shut up.." I said while covering my face. "Soo what's your task?" She asked me "he said I needed to clean the bathroom." Jihyo laughed "Okk! Goodluck" I went and grabbed the stuff to clean the bathroom and wore gloves. Then someone started pulling my hair. I turned around and saw Many other maids staring at me..
"aren't you a boy?" "Shouldn't your hair be short?" "Your body is way too feminine to be a boy" "Heh.. are you even a real boy" "Also you look like your starving are you that Poor?" They.. they said soo many hurtful words... it felt like my heart shattered into pieces.. but they're not wrong.. I do look like a girl... they were all laughing while calling me awful names.. until jihyo started screaming at them "YOU STUPID BITCHES GET AWAY FROM HIM. DO YOUR JOB OR ELSE IM TELLING SIR FELIX." They all started laughing. I started tearing up, jihyo hugged me.. "it's ok jinnie.. they're just stupid idiots not knowing what they're even doing". "Oh shut up jihyo, your the one not knowing what your doing." Lila said. "Park Jeong Lila." A deep voice shouted. Everyone was shocked to hear that voice. Including me. I didn't know he was there.. "h-how long have y-you been t-there sir..?" Lila said with a scared face. "Long enough to see what happened."