Chapter #5

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i woke up, my hands were tied with handcuff's.. I looked around I was still in sir Felix's room. I tried escaping but I couldn't get out of the handcuffs. I was still trying until I saw sir felix come out of the bathroom half naked.
"Good morning love~"
I couldn't help but blush..
"S-Sir felix- why are my hands handcuffed.."
I said trying not to make eyecontact
"Well, so you don't escape princess"
What? What did he just call me? Princess..?..
"You want to leave?"
He asked softly,
I said.
"Why tho dear?"
He asked tilting his head to the side.
"W-Well.. because I want to..?"
I said mumbling.
"Alright I will let you go, but be a good kitten and don't tell anyone about this ok?"
He said coming closer
"I-I promise."
He took off the handcuffs from my hands and I started to get up, but he pushed me on the bed again..
I said, "kitty can I get one Kiss before you leave?"
He said with puppy eyes..
I said, he picked me up and put me on his lap.
He started kissing my neck and going up to my lips
It was a normal kiss to be honest, kinda surprised I thought he would go hard again.
"You taste sweet."
He said with a soft smile on his face
"Your clothes are in the bathroom, go change."
He said, I nodded and walked to the bathroom.. a bit unstable.. my legs were shaky.
I closed the door and wore my clothes I went to go to the door and went out.

I heard someone chuckle. And I turned around to see Lila.. "you slut." She said rolling her eyes
"I will tell everyone about this fucking slut." she said with a laugh. I felt nervous and really scared, until I heard a slap-
"OW!" Lila screamed, "shut yo ass up missy. Your getting way too annoying" it was a girl with short hair. "UGH! He's literally a slut and your defending HIM??" Lila said, "oh shut up, there's probably another reason why he was in sir felix's room."
The short haired girl said, Lila rolled her eyes and stomped away, "T-Thank you." I whispered
"It's alright, but seriously what did you do" she said raising her eyebrows, with a big grin.
I became red she laughed and walked away.
That was a really embarrassing. I thought to myself
"Hey kitty, my friends are coming over can you tell the others? And please behave."
Sir Felix said with a smile, I nodded and went downstairs "e-everyone, sir Felix's friends are coming over." Everyone looked at me and nodded, I went to the kitchen to clean the table but it was already cleaned- this was my job who did it before me?
"No need to thank me" i heard someone say with a chuckle, it was Jihyo I was very happy to see her she is a very kind person. "A-Ah! But why did you do it.?", I said "Because I wanted to silly, and you were probably tired" she said with a wink-
I laughed and she smiled

After a few minutes of preparing stuff and cleaning, someone rang the doorbell. "I'll go get it!" I said walking towards the door, I saw 3 pretty men standing there, they don't look that much older from me
"A-Ah! Welcome! Come in"
I said with a smile, I heard one giggle and they went inside
I heard one of them scream
"What? Oh your here."
Sir felix said walking down the stairs, he and his friends hugged and I smiled at that
"is this your new maid?"
One of them said looking at me with a smile
"Oh yeah this is hwang hyunjin my new maid"
Sir felix said
"He's cute"
I heard one of them whisper, and they all sat down on the sofa I was told to make them a drink so I did.
"Here's your drinks sir"
I said putting the drinks on the mini table
I felt something cold hold my waist.. I looked to see one of sir Felixs friend's hand on my waist.
"Jeongin let go of him" one of the others said with a laugh, I awkwardly smiled and walked away

"Felix wouldn't mind right? If I steal Hyunjin"


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2022 ⏰

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