Chapter Seventeen

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Story: Broken But Brave
Chapter Seventeen: The Search
✏Pay Attention to the time!

(6 PM, 17th December, 2005)

Diminutive, white patterned flakes fell over her bushy brown hair as she walked on the cobbled path of the Godric's Hollow. She looked around as she fastened her coat even tighter to hug her body. The snow filled path made it difficult for her to walk but she forced herself through it. Squinting her brown eyes as she passed by each house made her look even more tired.

It was half past eleven in the night and Hermione Granger had not spotted a single clue about her best friend. She searched all the locations where they stayed during the horcrux hunt during what was supposed to be their seventh year at Hogwarts. She looked through the lush, snow filled forest of Dean, but did not come across him. She sighed and her icy breath was visible due to the cold atmosphere surrounding her. Hermione half wished to use the warming charm but that would not do good. She was in a muggle locality.

Walking through the snow, she was met with a similar house. As she looked up, she found that the previously broken windows were now fixed and frosted over. The graffiti on the gate were not there. Icicles hung from the roof of the empty house, giving it a cold feeling. Lights were off. Patches of weeds were burned in the garden and a single chain held the door to a thin iron rod. It was acting as a lock. No one but magical folk would be able to view this house, Hermione thought, still, wards protecting the house was placed. She could feel the magic and power of the wards. Hermione idly wondered if Ginny came by this house as she was assigned. Judging by the half opened gate, Hermione confirmed it to be a yes.

She sighed and continued walking, her eyes leaving the sight of Harry's house. She stared right ahead and stopped on spot when she approached the place where she wanted to come - Godric's Hollow Graveyard. She turned and saw that the place looked really eerie. Snow covered the land the dried flowers lay here and there. She slowly walked through the eerie yet sad place, taking one small step at a time. Her ears strained as she heard a shuffle of feet. Brows together, she walked a bit faster, taking out her vine wand discreetly and lighting it's top with a non-verbal lumos.

She was a minute or two away from the Potters' graves when her brown eyes widened at the sight of her best friend. He was kneeling in front of his parents' graves. A fresh wreath lay upon the land. Hermione could hear the silent sobs of Harry mixed with whatever he was talking. She walked towards him, very stealthily, careful not to alert him. Finally, she could hear his voice.

"-happiness of this cruel world. S-she needs it. . .I-I will look after her from ab-above, if I can. I-I will be seeing you in a hour or so. . . I shall meet you there, mum, dad."

No, that could not be! Harry was going to harm himself! Hermione ran forward as he stood up.

"HARRY!" she shouted but he apparated away just as she reached him. Apparently, he did not hear her nor see her. Or maybe he did and pretended not to have seen or heard her so as to escape. She groaned and stomped the ground angrily, crossing her arms over her chest. She missed him by one single minute! Angry tears leaked from her brown eyes and she sobbed. She was too late. Harry. . . He was acting so foolish and she could not do anything about it! She could not even help him. She felt so angry with herself. So disappointed, so dejected that the snow around her melted away, due to accidentally magic and with a very heavy heart, she apparated away, hoping to meet Ron. It was already half past eight and she had promised to meet him by one in the early morning.

Just as she disapparated, two tiny wisps of white light appeared out of thin air on top of the Potters' graves.

"I'm worried for him," one of them, a white ghostly doe said.

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