Chapter One - A Re-Ignited Spark

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You gasped, the sudden sunlight and warmth embedding you and making you wince with sensitivity. You stumbled a bit, and were caught.

"Are you alright?" The dirty blonde's hands grasped your shoulders, stabilizing you. You nodded, panting in relief.

"I'm fine. Thank you, Val." You glanced down to your stomach, a small and barely noticeable bump starting to protrude from it. You looked around, the sounds and noise a little overwhelming than what you had been used to. You were in the middle of the Mystic Falls cemetery, and it had been three and a half months since you had been imprisoned in the 1903 prison world. You had no other clothes of course- it was a miracle you hadn't desiccated too. You felt so weak, now that you thought about it. It had taken forever, but you managed to get the cure AND the blood from Qetsiyah's rock, and Val managed to spell you out once you remembered the right words.

You sighed, "We should probably go to my place."

"Your place?" Valerie asked, her brows furrowed as she looked around.

You nodded, feeling a little fatigued. You barely took any time to rest these three months, and you needed to feed. "I... yeah. Um... it's far away though."

"You're overwhelmed, aren't you?"

You nodded again, "A little. I just... we really need blood. And water... and some fries?"

"Of course. Of course- did you- fries?"

You were too unfocused. You could hear it now, the beating heart of a nearby person. You had to. You began to walk towards it, the beating growing louder as you came closer.

"What are you- Oh." Val stopped, inhaling deeply.

There, you saw a man bringing flowers to a grave. You purposely stumbled his way, and he turned just in time to catch you.

"Oh my god, are you okay?"

You nervously laughed, "Oh. Yes. I'm fine."

You barely even glanced at his face, your mouth salivating at the way the vein in his neck was visible through his skin.

"A woman in your condition really ought to be more careful."

You couldn't help as your face changed, and you bared your fangs. "I am."

You dig into his neck, holding him close with a strength that matched no other. You let out a moan, missing the taste of human blood. You pulled away within the minute, gasping as the man fell with a grunt. You barely noticed as he whimpered, trying to stand in his weakened state.

You also barely noticed as Val sped over, pinning him down and drinking from his blood as well. It was her loud groans that caught your attention, and you licked your lips as you turned towards them.

"Enjoying yourself?"

Valerie pulled away and stood, wiping her mouth with a smirk, the man now unconscious and chuckled. You leaned down, checking his pulse and glad to see that even though it was weak, he was still alive. "How did you know?"

You grinned, "A mother's instinct, I suppose. Now, let's go into town and get a car."

"A car? What on earth is that?"

"Remember the advanced carriages I mentioned?"


You opened the door to your apartment, sighing in relief as the familiar surroundings filled your vision. Little things were different... but not too alarming.

"Is this where you live? I mean, obviously society has progressed- but..." Valerie walked up to the flatscreen with disdain on her face. "What on earth is this?"

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