Choreographies [Chapter 2]

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The first week was pretty hectic. I had to get up early just to get to the studio and we learned all the choreographies in 3 days, the next week and a half would just be polishing the dances. G Dragon said he had a surprise for us, though.

I was first inside one morning, singing "Bad Boy" at the top of my lungs. I was sitting against the cold mirror of the studio. I hadn't noticed that JiYong was inside. To my astonishment though, he joined in and sang with me. I pulled an earphone out of my ear just to be sure, giving him a peculiar glance. When we stopped singing, I tilted my head to the side and so did he. I saw his eyes glisten like stars. Really pretty stars. I shook my head to stop my trail of thought. He sat down beside me.
"So, why did you choose me to share a dorm with you? You could've chosen one of the guys," I asked suddenly.
"Well, I don't know really, there's just something about you that strikes my attention. It intrests me," he told me and bit his lip, just as Mark and Taeyong walked in, the others following. G Dragon got up and went to greet them.

Mark had short, spiked-up brown hair and pretty brown eyes while Taeyong had black hair, shiny and soft-looking, with kind brown eyes. Both were quite handsome. We had all gotten close over the past few days since we talked a lot at lunch and in between dancing. Plus, we were a team. We had to be close.

Around lunch, G Dragon came to speak to us. I stopped thinking about his gorgeous eyes and snapped back into reality as he began to speak.
"My surprise for you guys is that I will be filming a video for one of my new songs, R.O.D, and you guys will all be in it. But, since the girl who sings the chorus is not friends with me anymore, either Tae or AC will be filmed with me instead. They will freestyle to the song and I will choose," he told us. Tae squeezed my arm and whispered "Good luck." I nodded and said the same. Well, great. Exactly what I needed.

Tae danced first, and she did amazing. She was sexy and sassy. The boys cheered. I was nervous. What if I messed up? I felt light-headed. My mind cleared when the music began, though. I combined hiphop and sexy while I danced, feeling the theme of the song, my eyes closed. I felt like the music moved with me, not me with the music. When the song ended, I dropped to the floor, exhausted. Tae and the boys cheered and clapped. JiYong stood above me and offered his hand. I took it and he pulled me up.
"Congratulations, you won the part," he smiled and we locked eyes once again.
"You deserve it! The part suits you!" Tae jumped up and clapped. I think she ment it. A smile spread across my face as I said,"I'm.. So... Tired" and I collapsed into JiYong's arms.
"I'm going to take her to the lounge where she can rest," I heard JiYong say as he lifted me and began to carry me outside.

He carried me to the couch and gently put me down on it. I closed my eyes. He grazed my cheek softly with his hand.
"Rest." Was all I heard before I fell asleep.

About an hour later I was back up and in the studio.
"You better?" JiYong looked at me, concerned. He put his hand on my cheek again and I smiled. Before anyone noticed, he took it off again. I nodded, "I'm good." G-Dragons manager walked in and yelled "AC! JiYong! Let's choreograph!" We both nodded and walked in front of the mirror.
"I will let you guys choreograph R.O.D on your own, there's just a few things I wanted to say. First off, you have about 1 minute of the video to dance to. I want it sexy with a hiphop sort of style to it. Second of all, to really get the fans excited, JiYong is going to kiss you on the forehead in the MV and concert," he nodded towards me. There were butterflies in my stomach. What?! It looked like JiYong was nervous too for a second. With that, his manager walked out, leaving us standing there.
"Well.. Let's choreograph," he said to me and took off his sweater. His shirt pulled up with it and I saw well defined abs. I gulped. I'm gonna die, aren't I?

We choreograph for hours on end, thinking of ways to make it look good. For one part of the dance, my right leg rested on his left knee and I had my arm around his neck as we moved from side to side as he rapped a little. For another part, he had his arms out while my hands slid across his chest and grabbed his shirt. I felt his heartbeat at a faster pace as I rested my head against his back. I breathed in the scent of his cologne as I pulled on his shirt.

At the end of the day, the 8 of us went out and ate jjajangmyeon. We talked and laughed lots. I saw Tae and Mark exchange some glances arcoss the table in between staring contests with JiYong. Mark and Tae must like each other.

We all went our seperate ways out of the resaurant as we said goodbye to one another.
"See you tomorrow," JiYong smiled and kissed me on the forehead. I stepped back in surprise.
"What was that for?!" I asked, bewildered.
"Nothing, just practicing," he told me and then walked off.
Tae was waving to Mark. We both stopped and sighed.
"Hell of a guy." We both said at the same time, then laughed.

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