On a Date With G Dragon [Chapter 9]

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He had said to dress fancy, so I had picked out a short red dress, the only dress I had. I was doing my makeup when Tae knocked on the door. She handed me a box and said,"Some guy that looked like a waiter came to the door saying it was for you."

She stood in the doorway as I untied the ribbon, took the lid off the box and placed it on the floor. There was a note on top of a smaller box, then something wrapped in thin black paper.
"What does it say?" Tae asked, now leaning over my shoulder. I read it slowly.

"For our date tonight. I saw it in a store and it looked perfect for you. I hope you wear it on more than one of our dates. See you soon. From yours truely, JiYong."

A smile spread across my face as I finished. I brought the box into my bedroom, Tae following. This guy. I opened the smaller box. There was a pretty pair of diamond earrings in it. Tae gasped as I put them on. Next, I unwrapped the bigger thing and threw the black paper aside. I gasped this time and I'm pretty sure Tae almost fainted. It was a long, black dress that had golden outlines on it.
"And you said it wasn't really a date," Tae elbowed me and I laughed. She closed the door, waiting for me to put it on. I wondered which store he found this at. I looked at the bottom of the box, it read: Gangnam Tailors Specially Made Colthes. Specially made? He had ordered it. JiYong is really something. I put on the dress and put my long hair down. I was ready. I opened the door to Tae sitting on the floor. She opened her mouth wide like a five year-old.
"Wahh~ you look amazing," Tae said, staring at me. I thanked her and walked over to the door to put on my heels. Taeyong and Jackie came in from whatever they were doing outside. They both stopped and stared at me.
"Going on a date?" Jackie asked and I nodded. Taeyong let out an 'Ewww.' As always.
My phone vibrated. It was a message from JiYong:
I'm here, my princess.
I smiled and patted Tae on the head.
"I probably won't be home tonight. Is that okay?" I asked and Tae nodded.
"I'll be fine. Just go!" She yelled and nudged me out the door.

When I got outside there wasn't a familiar jeep waiting for me, but instead a gorgeous matte black lamborghini. It was shiny black on some edges but mostly matte. It had purple tainted windows too. I stood staring, wide-eyed, even more so when I laid eyes on JiYong. JiYong looked very handsome. He was wearing a black suit with a golden pocket. He took my hand and his eyes glistened.
"You look very much like a princess now," he smiled, truley astonished.
"And you look very very handsome, my prince," I replied, running my hand through his soft hair, which was now a dark brown. He led me to the other side of the car and opened the door. I sat in and he closed it. He came around to the other side and sat in.
"I know a place where people won't know us. No paparazzi," he said and I calmed down somewhat. I was nervous a little since that thing that happened after the concert.
"How come you weren't at the dorm this morning?" I asked.
"I had stuff to do. Plus, I didn't want you to see me before our date," he answered with a smile and started the car.

We drove for about an hour until we reached a big estate. We were led inside the mansion by a waiter. There was a ball going on downstairs. We were led upstairs to a quiet little table. They poured us a glass of wine and then brought the menu. We ordered and began to talk.

"So, I talked to Amy. I told her if one more thing happens she's fired," JiYong said. I nodded.
"But won't we have to tell the press the truth soon?" I asked.
"Yeah. And my manager. And my members. I'll set up a conferance for when we get back from China, which is tomorrow. Is that okay?" He asked and held my hand.
"Yeah. Do I have to talk though?" I had so many questions.
"Not if you don't want to. I can do the talking, but you have to be with me," he answered as they brought out the food.
"Okay. I'll be there," I relaxed and began eating. After we finished the food, we asked each other stupid questions like 'what's your favourite colour?' or 'what's the baddest lie you've told?'.

"So, how many cars do you own, rich kid?" I asked through small sips of wine.
"Four. Although I'm thinking of buying another one," he said and I began to laugh.
"Wait, you're serious?" I gasped and he nodded.
"What's your favourite type of car?" JiYong asked.
"Hmm...probably a ferarri, in matte black," I smirked, thinking of what it would be like to own one. JiYong nodded in approval.
"Would you.. care to dance?" He asked, holding his hand out to me. I took his hand and we walked down the marble steps to the ballroom.

He slid his hand around my waist and held my hand with the other. I put my other hand on his shoulder. We began to dance around the room slowly with the other people. He spun me every once in a while and pulled me closer and closer each time. An old couple stopped to look at us.
"You two make a beautiful couple," the old man told us in Mandarin. JiYong was about to say something, but I put my hand over his mouth. I bowed and thanked him in Mandarin.
"It was my turn to say something," I winked at JiYong. He kissed my hand and took it off his mouth. Without a word, he led me outside to the balcony and sat me down on the railing. He sat down beside me.
"You don't know how long I had been waiting for this," JiYong smiled, stroking my cheek.
"Waiting for what? Ballroom dancing? You could've gone in Seoul too I mean it's a modern place, but I'm sure--"
"Not ballroom dancing, this," he said. I was about to ask what but I knew what he ment when he did it. He pulled me closer and stared into my eyes for a moment, then, without hesitation, kissed me on the lips. He held the kiss for a long time. Then he stopped and stared down at me.
"So, that's what you ment," I giggled and put my head against his shoulder.
"It's getting late, we should go," JiYong said and lifted me into his arms, carrying down to the car. He put me down and I got in.
"I booked a hotel for tonight. Is that okay?" JiYong asked and I nodded. I didn't want to go back to the dorm.

We got to the hotel, checked in and went inside.
"I'm going to shower," he said and put his keys on the counter. He put a bag of clothes on the floor.
"You can sleep in one of my shirts," he smiled and headed to the bathroom. I grabbed his shoulder and spun him around.
"One more thing before you shower," I said and grabbed his tie, pulling him into a short kiss. He smiled and took off his suit jacket and shirt, heading to the bathroom. I sighed happily and picked out one of his t-shirts. It was one from the Crooked MV. I didn't know you could keep those. I unzipped the dress and put the t-shirt on.

"I knew you'd pick that one," JiYong said from behind me. I turned to see him in just underwear. My mouth dropped wide open.
"Oh sorry! Do you want me to put a t-shirt on? This is just usually all I sleep in," he scratched his head, blushed and grabbed a t-shirt.
"No! It's fine," I winked and took the t-shirt from him. JiYong smirked and pulled me closer, into a hug. I put my arms around his neck as he kissed my neck softly. He let go quickly and and got into bed. What a tease.
"We should get some sleep," JiYong said and pulled me onto the bed, covering me in the blanket. I giggled as he tickled me. He layed me down beside him, stopping the tickles. I rested my head on his chest and closed my eyes.
"Good night," I said and smiled.
"Night, babe," JiYong said casually. Waah this guy~

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