3. Sweetheart

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Alina Danes ~

I walked into third feeling a body bump into my backpack. I turned and saw Dawson. Lip piercing.

"Hey Lina." He smirked at me.

"Hi." I nodded.

"Sit with me?" He asked.

"In the back." I finished.

"Deal." He grabbed my elbow and pulled me to the table.

I sat myself on the inside chair by the wall like I sat with Brennon and lied my head on the table.

"Tired?" He asked.

"Yea." I nodded in my arms and sighed.

"Well how's your day going?" He asked and I lifted my head looking at his black eyes.

"It's fine yours?"

"Pretty good actually." He nodded and I looked at other people who were staring. Every time I talked to one of them they just watched.

"Short attention span?" He asked and I looked back at him.

"No. Those people in my last class and this one keep staring." I mumbled.

"My brothers don't talk to anyone but each other. People stare because they don't know why I'm talking to you." He played with his rings and I just watched.

"Why are you talking to me?" I asked.

"Great question that I have no answer to." He smiled and I laughed.



He walked with me and we waited in the middle of a hallway for his brothers. They walked out and smiled down at my 5'4 height. God I was so small.

"Ready?" The one with the hoop asked. Zayn.

I nodded and two walked on either side of me as one walked behind. I felt very small and guarded in a way.

We walked in and they kept me between them as we went and sat in the back. Apparently they usually sat here and threw paper at people.

The teacher spoke but I put my headphones in and put on my 5SOS and Chase Atlantic playlist.

I bounced my legs to the beat of the songs. I watched as one of the brothers picked up my phone and looked at my music.

I looked at his face as she showed his brothers, it was Dawson.

They all nodded and the teacher passed out papers. We all got one and it was homework. I realized I was in Math and Zayn took my paper and began writing things but I couldn't hear what they were saying.

I put my head back and closed my eyes feeling tired.


"Wake up Lina." A hand touched my hair.

I opened my eyes and looked down seeing the class empty except for the three large bodies.

"Good nap?" Brennon smiled.

"Mmhm." I rubbed my eyes and looked around becoming more aware of my surroundings.

"You're homework is done." Dawson nodded.

"Thank you." I mumbled and stood grabbing my backpack making sure I had everything.

"We put your stuff away and your headphones are in your side pocket. See you tomorrow pretty girl." Zayn walked out and they all flashed a perfect smile at me.

I felt my face heat up and I walked out going to my car.

I began driving to my small apartment I never thought I'd wanna see. But I do.

I looked behind me seeing a dark tinted, black car following me. They've been following for the past five minutes. I turned into the complex and they zoomed passed me. I sighed assuming the person just had somewhere to go and it happened to be on my path.

I got out of my car and walked to the front door. I'm so glad I don't have to take stairs and it's on the bottom floor.

I walked in and plugged in my phone, going to my sleeping bag and falling asleep at 5:30.


I'm panicking. I don't know what to wear.

I looked at my new clothes and found a pretty white cardigan and thought of an outfit.

I looked feminine yet had a long, cute cover up

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I looked feminine yet had a long, cute cover up.

I brushed through my long, thick, brown hair and wrapped it up in a messy bun but it was pretty.

For extra fun I put on some Brown colored mascara that added length but appeared natural. I put on chapstick and left with the dirty white vans. I grabbed my phone and bag and left.

I drove to school and parked stepping out. I was horrified yet I felt sexy as shit. Maybe this can be a new for me.

I stood against my door and a loud piercing whistle got my attention. I looked up seeing the triplets smiling and walking up to me.

"You look good Lina." Zayn looked me up and down. I felt the fabric fall from my shoulder and I fixed it.

"Don't do that." Brennon came and pulled it back down.

"It's flattering to your skin." He backed up and Dawson just wore a smirk. He'd periodically bit his lip ring and fiddle with it.

"Any words brother?" Zayn nudged him.

"Hm? Oh no I'm just admiring." He winked at me and I turned around pretending to grab my bag.

"Your bag is at your feet doll." Dawson murmured and I sighed.

"Caught me." I shrugged.

"Why hide the blush?" Brennon whispered in my ear and I jumped at his closeness causing me to bump into him and he spun me, holding my waist.

"Clumsy." He laughed.

"Flustered." I fixed and he took a step back.

"Let's get to class?" Zayn asked and I nodded.

He offered a hand and I just grabbed his pinky not wanting anything crazy intimate. I've had my fair share of stomach damage for the week.

"Walk faster sweetheart."

Sweetheart. Swoon.

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