Visit to Diagon Alley

13 2 0

August 2nd 1993

Remus was still sick and that meant another day alone at the cafe. At least that was what Nafula had thought until Delia joined her. The woman had wanted to spend some time in the cafe she owned.

But the young woman still missed Remus's presence. In only a few days he had made the list of Nala's closest friends. It didn't take long for the woman to grow attached. Delia wasn't in much of a mood to talk. She'd had a date the day before and it had gone terribly. That was all she was willing to say. So the cafe was still silent bar the occasional customer.

It was like that until midday when a young woman with dark hair and bright blue eyes stepped into the cafe, rushing behind the counter. Something that Delia slightly tutted at.

"Nala! Merlin, I've missed you!" She exclaimed.

"Su? Weren't you supposed to come back three weeks from now?"

Nala's best friend, Suyin had gone to France a day after they had come back from their sixth year at Hogwarts. Her family had a summerhouse there and spent most of their summer in the huge mansion. It was unusual of them to return so early.

"I was, but Mo wouldn't shut up about finally going to school this year and he demanded that we come back so that he can get his things already, mainly his books. I swear he reads like ten times more than me. Which is saying something."

Suyin's brother Mo Chou hated when his sister called him Mo so, naturally, that is exactly what she did.

"Bollocks! I need to get my school stuff too. I completely forgot! I'll have to write it down somewhere."

"You know that never works, why don't we go today?" Suyin offered.

She was right of course. No matter where Nala wrote down reminders, she never saw them again. That was also the reason for many of her detentions, simply forgetting her homework.

"I'd like to, but I can't. I have work until seven and then I have to clean up. I don't think we'll have enough time."

"No, no, no. You can go, a stór. I'll be fine by myself," Delia interjected.

A stór, as Delia had once explained to Nala, means my treasure. When she'd laughed and asked why the older woman called her that, she'd gotten a reply that shocked her immensely. Delia viewed her as the daughter she'd never had. It had warmed her heart. And over a fairly short amount of time Nafula had started to see her as a second mother.

She'd never replace the woman who had given birth to her and cared for her when she was little, but Delia was a wonderful addition to the list of her 'parents'.

"Are you sure? I can just go sometime later, it won't be a problem for me."

"Yes, I'm sure! Go spend time with your friend! Just make sure you'll be back at a reasonable time."

Nala threw a large smile towards Delia and rushed upstairs to get her bag and money. Since her boss was a muggle, she was paid in muggle money. That meant that she would have to change it to wizard money at Gringotts.

At first, muggle money had been terribly confusing for the dark skinned woman, but she was a fast learner and soon she could use it without problems. And she had to admit, paper seemed to be a much more reasonable material for money than gold, silver and bronze.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 13, 2022 ⏰

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