(Thirty Four)

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(Thirty Four)

In the thick of the crowd we feel safe enough to talk. It's too loud for anyone to hear without leaning in close so we cling to each other, scanning the crowd for threats.

"Does he know?" I gasp, looking at every face individually. Are they still watching us?

"I...I don't know. Maybe he just saw me and didn't like that I was with you?" Gray bites his lip, unconvinced. I don't know how close we are to danger but it seems too close.

"We can't go up there," I say, "and I don't think tonight anyone is going to care. It's too late for them to be any sort of sober."

"Should we meet up tomorrow?" Gray asks, disappointment filling his voice.

"Tomorrow would be better. I just need to get out of here and so do you."

Gray nods and looks over his shoulder, pulling the hood of his jumper over his head. "Is that okay?"

"I guess we still have two days. We can...we can wait," I say with a sigh. It's like we've jumped a hurdle to come up against a brick wall.

"Are you sure?" I nod, looking away.

Gray sighs and gives me a half smile. "Do you want me to walk you home?"

"No, that's fine. See you tomorrow." I turn around and walk a few steps, shoving my hands in my pockets. I turn and look back at Gray, studying him as he walks in the opposite direction. A sudden realisation hits me; Gray is just as invested in this as I am yet he doesn't even know any of the people we're trying to save. I'm struggling emotionally, mentally and physically and it seems to be taking the same toll on him-he killed someone for Christ sake-but he hasn't so much as hinted at not wanting to do it. He may come across as an arrogant, self-entitled asshole but I'm starting to see that he's genuinely a really, really good person. I briefly wonder if Zane would do the same for Gray but the situation is so unlikely that it's not worth contemplating.

I spot the door back home and I bite my lip, feeling conflicted. I can't just go home and sleep now. I feel jumpy. Maybe I should've asked Gray to stay. I glance over my shoulder at the door leading to the underground system and I tell myself it's a very, very bad idea to go down to the dungeons now.

I do anyway.

There aren't very many people hanging around at all, which surprises me. There's two guards standing in a corridor joined to the main one and it's easy enough to walk straight past them. The complacency of the Light creatures interests me. You'd think they would be tough on guarding their prisoners. It makes me wonder if there's some sort of magic, some unwritten rule even, that stops anyone from escaping. Or entering, maybe. It hits me that I'm human--nearly forgot that for a moment--and I wonder if that has to do with my ability to come and go from this place as I please.

They are no longer two to a cell, instead spread out across eight cells with at least one separating each of them. Danika is in the closest one and I feel the need to stop, to say something.

"You did well," I say stupidly. "I cheered for you."

"Thankyou," Danika accepts. She sits in the back corner of the cell like a statue. Her hair looks golden and glossy, as usual, but her skin is dirty from her general surroundings. She looks sad. Lonely.

"Can I come in?" I ask, showing her the master key I retrieved from Zane's office. I don't like talking to her through bars. She nods and I put the key in the lock, twisting it firmly. The door slides and I come in, leaving it slightly open.

"How are things going with the investigation?" she asks with a smirk. Clearly she has little to no faith in it.

"Good, actually. Really good. We're close Danika. We have the guy." I sit down on the floor in front of her, ignoring the dirt and grime.

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