Keep You Mine (19)

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Xion's PoV

I catch myself brooding as Ravn vents about the day he had. What could have happened to him today that would make it a worse day than mine? Bitterness and a pang of icy guilt towards Yuri stab my heart. "Are you even listening to me?" I look at the untouched drink in front of me. I can't bring myself to drink although we are at my favorite bar after a long time. Should I tell him everything?

"I wasn't." I confess "I'm in a bad mood." Ravn looks into my eyes like an older brother. That's why I've been avoiding talking about Yuri. Because he would give me a reality check, because he would've stopped me long before I got myself tangled up in this mess.

"So are you gonna spill or do I need to pry it out of you?" "I guess I need to get this off my chest in any case. You know I was dating Yuri. I mean not like the casual flings I have. It was to fool grandpa initially. Then I started to enjoy her attention so I didn't want to let her go. I wanted her to stay mine..."

I tell him and he listens silently. "What are you gonna do now?" he asks as I finish. "I.." but I get cut off with the ringtone of my phone. I show him the screen in panic "It's her! What do I do?" "What do you mean you idiot? Answer."

"You!" Yuri shouts, "You answered? I was gonna leave an angry voice message. Hang up so I can!" "Why's there so much noise? Where are you right now?" Ravn looks at me curiously and I shrug "I tsold you to hang up didn't I! ..hic.. what a bad mans you are? First you leave me then you call me in the middle of the night!"

"You know you can hang up too right? It's not a one-sided thing.." She must be pretty drunk, "Why would I hang up, how will I go home then? You come pik me up!" Despite her words, she hangs up and to my surprise sends me her location.


So that's how I find myself walking in long strides towards the woman I broke up with today. I find her on the pavement her head buried in her legs. Her heels lay beside her on the pavement, she's still wearing the white dress.

"Yuri," I reach for her arm tentatively. "I came to pick you up, let's go." She snaps to attention and shakes my hand off "What are you doing here? Don't you see how much you hurt me?" she points to her eyes, it's clear she's been crying. "You told me to come here, you dummy..." I sit beside her, it seems that taking her home won't be that easy. "Why are you calling me a dummy? You're so bad and, and so mean..." She pouts, I push her forehead with my index finger. "You're a dummy because you call the guy that broke your heart in the first place to mend it."

"Y3s! You broke my heart." She puts her fist over her chest and curls her fingers into a ball, she's... cute.

"It's not your fault." She says in a dejected tone "I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up. I just thought after the amazing week, after all we've been through that you would care." A few teardrops roll off her face. I shouldn't wipe them, then she would keep hoping. So I push my hands into my pockets.

"I still love you, you know," she whispers and puts her hand on my cheek "I'm angry and disappointed, but I still love you." She twists the rose necklace on her neck with her other hand. "You said the necklace was a matter of my desire. So you don't get to tell me when to take it off." Then she kisses me. It knocks the breath out of me.

I just stay frozen, a better man would pull away. When she leans away a bitter smile finds its place on her face "That's payback for the time you kissed me. Remember the rules. An eye for an eye..." She stands up suddenly and stumbles but before I can get to my feet to catch her someone else does.

Seoho pulls her behind his back protectively. "What the heck are you doing here?" "She called me.." "And you thought it would be a good idea to take advantage of her in her drunken state after dumping her?" I am left speechless at the accusation.

"I kissed him Seoho. Can we go now?" she pulls his hand but Seoho seems to have more to say. He points his finger at me "You stay away from her. I thought you'd be a good match for her so I didn't meddle. I thought you'd cherish her because you knew her heart.

I don't care whose son you are Son Dongju, you can't make her face Kang Yoonah, leave her, then dare to show up in the middle of the night to..." "Seoho," Yuri hugs him from behind. The muted jealousy I feel watching them like that frustrates me. "Let's go please." He listens this time, they leave and I sit alone on the pavement for a long long time.


Yuri's PoV

I wake up with a major hangover. It takes me a second to understand where I am. "You're awake," Seoho calls out from the kitchen, he walks into the living room with a morning cure. I almost spit the drink as I notice the time. "I'm late to shooting!" "No you're not, I told the director you were sick, you have the day off."

The memories of last night start coming back as I help Seoho set the table for the magnificent breakfast he prepared. I bury my face in my hands "How did you know where to find me yesterday?" "You sent me a voice message, telling me about everything that happened. I came as soon as I could." "Oh no!" "What?"

"I called Xion too! Told him to pick me up." "Huh, the brat wasn't lying about that then. Still Yuri, I don't want to see you with him anymore. I know he's our childhood friend, so you might be unable to think badly of him but men are..." I yawn "Oh my god, not this again. I thought we were over the men have bad intentions talk by now."

"We won't be over with it until you learn to distance yourself from men that will break your heart young lady." "Understood dad..." I stick my tongue out "Am I grounded?" that earns me a pillow to the face. "You really need me to kick your ass?" "No sir, forgive me." I bow in apology and with a cheeky grin sit down to dig into the pancakes.

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