Waking up

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Inori found herself lying on the ground in her causal clothes.

"Huh? Where am I?" I got up and looked around confused fore noticing Love, snoring nearby.

"Love-chan wake up." She shook her causing her to jump.

"I'm up!" Love turned to look at her face her friends fore looking around confused. "Inori-chan? How did you get in my bedroom?"

"Actually Love-" "I dont this is your bedroom." Love looked at her two friends surprised, she noticed that Inori was in her casual clothes and looked down to notice that she was in her as well.

"How am I in my causal clothes, I though for sure I had put on my pajamas." Love was even more confused now.

"We dont know." Tarte spoke up.

"I woke up not long fore you." I added.

Fore Love could say anything else to her friends, the group heard the sound of.....teleporting? Love stared at me.

"Do you think that's Setsuna?"

"Maybe? Perhaps we all are having the same dream." It sounded crazy but...I didnt see Miki and Sestuna anyway so it could just be the three of us having a lucid dream. Weird.

"I wonder where we are?" Suddenly, two figures landed on top of Love and Tarte, practically crushing them. The third on landed next to them.

"Help~ya." Tarte groaned, The two figures looked down to notice the talking ferret.

"Did the ferret just talk?" The smaller one asked. It was a red robot with a light blue screen for a face. I blinked twice. Am I seeing things? Okay this has to be a dream.

"Yes now get off of me." Tarte moaned as he tried to move himself once more. The figures got of them shortly after. "Thank you." Tarte stretched. The figures seemed shocked. The other figure appeared to be a young girl with brown hair with wavy bangs, blue eyes, and light skin.

"Well there's something you dont see everyday." The girl turned to Love-chan and I. "Sorry about that I should introduce myself. I'm Joy. And those two over are Chris and Gizmo." The girl pointed to where a small young boy was standing looking at the robot. He has spiky hair, brown eyebrows, and hazel brown eyes.

"I'm Inori Yamabuki." I then pointed to Love. "And that's Momozono Love." Love frowned.

"And the annoying talking ferret is Tarte-chan."

"Hey~ya!" Tarte shouted. "I heard that." All three of us shared a glance.

"Are you from Japan?" Joy asked.

"How did you know?" Love replied.

"Those are Japanese names." I jumped after hearing that the robot's voice behind me.

"I just took a guess." Joy then looked around for a second before something else caught her attention. "Um....Giz? Where are we?" Gizmo then tried to look up the group's and became puzzled.

"I do not know Joy. I cant seem to get a lock in on our time or location." Gizmo replied.

This got, EVERYONE's attention. However, fore any of the group could voice their concerns, they noticed that a figure was flying towards them. Love and Inori got their Linkruns, ready to transform while the kids and the robot, watch in awe.

"Do not be afraid." The figure began. "No harm will come to you here. My name is Michael and you are in Heaven...The perfect gift that God has promised to all of His children." The group watched as the clouds disappeared to reveal a beautiful golden palace. They were in awe.

"Huhhh... Wooahw..."

"It's... amazing." Joy said walking a bit closer to the edge. Suddenly a trumpet sounded.

"What is that trumpet blast?" Gizmo asked Michael.

"I do not know." Then the angel left. I looked at Love, who was too in shock to respond.

"Love-chan." Nothing. I shock her but this time Love just grabbed me and pulled me towards her. I was about to say something when I finally noticed what she had saw.

"Love.....chan?" Fighting. There was war that was happening around them.

"WHAT'S HAPPENING?!" Joy shouted, however her voice was drowned out by all the fighting.

"I DONT KNOW!" Chris glanced Love and the others, clearly panicked.

"SHOULD WE TRANSFORM!?" The two kids along with the robot turned to Love confused.

"We'll explain later." Tarte was hiding behind Gizmo, trying to avoid the chaos. Suddenly a sword landed near where we were standing making all of us jump. Its user, was at the very edge of where the group was standing, trying to grasp onto it to get back up.

"Help me." I pushed Chris out of the way. Love did the same thing with Joy and the robot. Tarte just hid behind it, making Love glare at him.

"I have the power to reward you beyond your dreams." He was about to fall...but angel Michael took out his sword and somehow break the part of the stone that he was holding...so he fell down to earth and transformed into a fallen...

"But...why would he do this?" Joy asked.

"Because he thought he will be stronger than God..." Then he left and flew away...suddenly a small blue light appeared fore we all disappeared.

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