Day 18

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I let my car run down on the street, waiting for long Louis. I'm not getting in the building again. I'm not getting in the car that smells like cops and prison again. That would take a hell lot more shots, but then again Louis probably wouldn't let me drive. And I'll truly prefer keeping things in my hands while I still can.

It's still a little hard to believe I did that. I talked to Louis. I allied with him. And I'm still fuckin free.

Carson salutes and gets in.

"You couldn't take more time," I step on the gass and head out of the city fast.

"Watch the speed."

I roll my eyes. God, that's gonna be some kind of fun trip. With a freakin cop next to me. "You won't beat the bastards by playing by the rules, captain," I mark so we're clear right from the get go.

"A few minutes of time won't do the difference."

Says the guy who let Marianne talk his brain out of his head for two days straight while I was free to flee behind the ocean. "You think that. But four days actually are just a few minutes. And then she's dead."

He checks on me and takes off his coat. "Hey, they won't... Okay, we'll make it, just drive safely."

"I won't get a speed ticket while driving a cop, right?" I jump the orange light. Just to be slowed down by a tailback metres further. "What? It's not my fault we set out this late."

"I was at work till five, I told you."

"And this isn't work?"

He hesitates a second with his answer. "Not officially."

I glance at him. Oh, I see. The whole case Marianne was sort of unofficial, wasn't it. That's why she got out so easily. That's also why she couldn't get a police protection and why the two of us are now the whole damn rescue team, hm? She really nailed the thing. Fuck.

I nod a few times, focused on the slowly moving traffic again to get the right entrance ramp on the highway. Low sun dazzles me several times and then stays behind our backs for good. I rest back against the seat, stretching my arm on the wheel, both my leg, forcing the pedal lower. Louis keeps quiet and I decide it's been too long.

"You have a feeling for her?" I take the whack at him randomly out of blue, without even looking at him. Either he tells me or not, I don't need to read the truth. Just curious about his answer.

He doesn't break his silence though. Eventually, it makes me glimpse at him with a smirk. Well, that's a hell of an answer, I have something to think about.

"It's okay, it's off the work. And, um...," this is his worry, huh? "And as for my part, I'm actually far from being her boyfriend. I might have even exaggerated the sex a little, nothing much happened between us, really. She... I barely helped her out of trouble - got her a temp job and a place where to stay for a while..."

"Where?" he wonders off topic.

I sneer and change the lane as some asshole uses the left side for his sightseeing ride. Louis would love to now where I live, wouldn't he. He already set his sights on learning more about me yesterday, for the protocol he said, repeatedly - but then we agreed it's probably better for both of us to keep things rather informal. He clearly wouldn't appreciate much if I came to discuss his little case M with his superiors either.

"You're not answering my questions, Mr. Carson," I sort of leave out his rank on purpose, and tilt my head, "I won't answer yours, that's just fair. But I really wonder how our cooperation will work then."

Louis inhales heavily and watches the road in front of us. If we weren't in a car, we could say we're on the same bloody boat pretty much - he knows it. He hates it, likely. Oh, me too. But sadly, it takes minimum of two to get through this shitstorm. In fact, I'm far from convinced the two of us is enough. Rather hoped for a bigger team. Yet it occurs it's not my fate to get mixed up with the police as such, as ironic as it is.

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