Day 2

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So today i got up washed my face and brushed my teeth. I made my mother some breakfast and i was on my way. So i was walking down the road and i saw this very old dog and i started to run be when i turned around to see if it was chasing me it was laying down on its side. I walked over by it, but actually close enough so it could bite me and turn me into some living zombie or anything, i saw that is was breathing really hard and i was wondering what was wrong. So i squatted down and saw nothing but maggets coming out if its its neck. I almost threw up in my mouth. So walked away and feeling sorry for it but not too sorry for what i just saw. I kept on walking til i saw my grandma's house and she was in the yard. I'm glad she didn't see me cause all she talks about is my daddy. Lets just say i love him but i don't cause he was never there for me when i needed the most. But, hey, i just kept on kicking and i saw my sont(sont=homie or nig). He was playing basketball and seen me walking and he asked my where was i going and was like nowhere. Passed by this old abandoned house where this old creepy woman lived for 80 years i think, but yeah she was creepy she had over a dozen black cats. Passed by her house and they were cleaning it out. I asked them why? They told me that she had passed and i was like you lien. He said I'm not lien. Well i left there and headed home where my mother was watching the voice and i took a bath,lied down, more like flopped down, on my bed and went to sleep.

---Young Decamron

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