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"Bright, everything in this industry changes with time, don't be disheartened okay?" Bright's manager preached to him while he just tried to concentrate on the music that was playing through his car speakers, he never had time to listen to music these days, he had three movies lined up and no spare time to keep up with his everyday routine, still, when he slept at night he tried to listen to a few songs just to calm himself down.

"You are just growing up, everything is gonna be fine, you are just 25" he wanted p'Oap to stop talking for a few minutes because his favorite song from the currently playing album was coming up but he knew voicing his request will only make his manager more agitated.

His manager was a bit peeved these couple of weeks, there was a new upcoming artist making a lot of buzz for the past few months, Bright was aware of him, he had also watched all his past works just to understand the fuss, people were expecting a scorching rivalry from them because apparently, this new artist was a threat to Bright's 5-Year-long legacy.

His Manager had been on edge since the comparison tabloids broke out, he had been constantly on Bright's tail, preaching encouragement, trying to make him more comfortable. Bright on the other hand really thought that this whole predicament was making his manager more nervous because he himself was completely fine with it, he always knew someone would come to give him a run for his money, he had seen plenty of talented artists when he was doing theatre. It was almost a refreshing change if he was being honest.

Metawin knew his way around acting, his dialogue delivery was strong, he completely embraces his character so his performance comes out naturally. Bright was very impressed by his choice of scripts too.

And then there was just something about his smile. Bright tried to concentrate more on the song, he was going to meet the new artist for the first time in 10 minutes because of the annual party of the agency and he had to calm and convince himself that the increased tempo of his heartbeat wasn't because of that.


"Your hair is fine N'Win" P'eed rolled her eyes "running your hands through it is actually ruining it"

Win pulled his hand away, he fixed his collar again "if he actually notices you, these things are not going to make a difference" she again piped in.

Win looked around and tried not to blush after hearing her "Phi, cut me some slack naa" " I am a bit nervous, act like other managers and placate me" he pouted.

"Yeah, I am going to pass." She shook her head "Do you need something to drink, juice?" she looked sharply at him "Don't drink today, you have an early call time tomorrow"

Win thought it would be wise to not tell her about the glass of whiskey he had downed when she was away socializing, it was one glass anyway. His insides were twisting in all sorts of ways and that glass was a necessity for him. His manager decided to leave him to get them the appetizers, it had been almost half an hour since Win had entered the party, he had been greeting and socializing.

He was waiting for a certain someone to show up, Bright Vachirawit Chivaree, this was going to be the first time he met the man in person. He was greatly inspired by the brilliant actor, his aura and presence were so brilliant that Win was pretty sure that he was born to act. He had taken inspiration from him so many times when another rejection would knock him over and his spirits would be so down. Bright had unknowingly guided him to the light just by doing his best with the roles he took.

He decided to take a stroll outside, the constant buzz of the party was making him dizzy and a few minutes away from the people could actually be good. There was a huge gazebo right out in front of the banquet hall. Win decided to take a quick cursory walk.

It had been just a few minutes he was walking around when he heard a peculiar sound. He tried looking around for the source of the sound, it sounded like a cat but he couldn't be sure because the noise was very faint.

He finally realized it really was a little kitten when he looked up at the garden light pole, it looked like the cat had jumped on the little space on the pole from the wall but was now scared to jump down.

"Stupid kitten! Who asked you to jump when you weren't sure?"

The kitten mewed faintly, fear very apparent in her call. Win contemplated getting help but decided against it and started climbing on the pole awkwardly.

"Because of you, I have to do something so undignified now, If anybody sees me, my reputation will be down the drain" he grumbled, pressuring his big arms to take more of his weight. It wasn't easy for a grown man to climb on something like a pole but he was trying his best.

"People say cats are smart- his palms ache but he is almost there now- you don't seem all that smart to me" The kitten mewled loudly as if it understood him "Oh you are mad? You shouldn't be, you ungrateful brat!" Win panted. The cat mewed again.

"If you hate it that much, why are you still helping her?" A deep voice from the ground startled him a bit but he safely grabbed the little kitten and found his grip

"Because this cat might be stupid but I still can't let it get hurt" he missed a grip almost falling

"Careful Metawin!" The voice from the ground knew him but before Win could register anything he fell face-first on the ground and a very unmanly scream ripped from his throat, he was sure he was going to lose a tooth or two but his fall was cushioned by a hard chest and he heard a deep groan of pain erupt from his savior.

He made sure the little kitten was alright and raised his head to thank whoever it was that saved his face. Quite literally.

What he did not expect was Bright fucking Chivaree to stare at him with wonder and curiosity. He got up from the impromptu embrace of his favorite artist and stared at him in shock. Bright stood up too, lazily, taking his own sweet time.

"Hello, Metawin! Is the kitten okay?"

As if to reply to him herself, she mewled, restlessly trying to get out of Metawin's death grip. Bright took her in his hands, caressing her and checking her for any bruise in the low light.

"Aren't you allergic to cat fur? Don't come near her beyond necessity"

And Win just stood there with two questions on his mind.

1. How the fuck do adults form coherent sentences?

2. How in the fucking world did Bright Vachirawit know about his allergy?


This is how they first met, almost a year before the main story :)

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