massage - jjh

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note: none of this is real please don't take it seriously. please ignore my broken grammar. i'm not the best at writing but i'm trying my best. also this one is a lil fluffy too ^^

pairing: jaehyun x female reader

word count: 1508


you were exhausted and on the verge of breaking down. your boss gave you extra work today, yelled at you for no reason at all and you could say that he's been a pain in the ass.

all you wanted was to get home quickly and just stay in jaehyun's arms. jaehyun and you have been dating for 3 years now. because of him being an idol you both couldn't really spend much time together. sometimes when he was free, you weren't and when you were free, he wasn't.

after getting home, you quickly opened the door with your key and walked in to see your boyfriend, on the couch with his phone in his hand, waiting for you.

he looked up when he heard you and smiled at you. you smiled back. immediately after seeing your smile, jaehyun knew you had a bad day and knew exactly how to make you feel better.

"hi, darling," you sat beside him and he kissed your forehead. you hugged him tightly and sighed.

"hi," you mumbled. jaehyun tucked your hair behind your ears and kissed your nose making you giggle.

"had a bad day?" you nodded with a pout. he kissed away the pout and told you to take a shower. you did as he said and he ordered your favorite food.

after taking a shower, you wore one of jaehyun's shirts which was pretty big on you and didn't bother wearing a bra. you walked out to see your favorite food on the dining table and your boyfriend waiting for you.

you smiled and sat down next to him. he smiled back at you and you both started eating. after eating, you both started talking about random stuff.

"you look very tired. physically and mentally," he stated the obvious.

"that's because i am tired. physically and mentally." you saw how jaehyun's lips formed in a pout but then soon his eyes lit up. he took your hand and dragged you to your shared bedroom.

"what're you doing?" you chuckled. he told you to lay down on your stomach and you did as he said.

"i know what you need that will make you feel better,"


"massage. you need a massage," he took out a bottle of massage oil and who were you to say no to the jung jaehyun?

he told you to take your (his) shirt off and you did. you laid down on your stomach.

jaehyun poured a little bit of oil on your back and took some in his hands and started rubbing your back and shoulders. the feeling of jaehyun's hands massaging you already made you feel something you shouldn't feel because this massage was to make you feel relaxed. right? wrong.

jaehyun's hands kept moving closer to your panties. he started massaging your shoulders, almost touching your breasts. your breath hitched. you knew what he was doing and so did he. you weren't sure but knowing jaehyun he was probably teasing you.

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